Possessive 🍞

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Ever since they were children, Oikawa had known that Iwaizumi was meant for him and nobody else - exactly like he was meant for Iwaizumi. They had both been certain, and they weren't surprised to present as an alpha and an omega, although it was surprising that Iwaizumi went into heat while Oikawa experienced a rut and not vice versa. Iwaizumi wasn't your typical omega, and Oikawa had thought that to be a blessing (less probable competition), until he realised that many alphas were attracted to an omega who seemed capable of standing up for himself. Not to mention the fact that Iwaizumi was hot as hell. He was too hot for his own good, and Oikawa had spent years making sure that the omega stayed safe. It wasn't his fault if his actions also made Iwaizumi believe that he wasn't very attractive to alphas.

To give Iwaizumi some credit, the omega had probably noticed what Oikawa was doing. They never talked about it, but the alpha was almost certain that his hostility towards any alpha that even stepped close to Iwaizumi was well known by the omega. Sometimes Oikawa wondered if Iwaizumi found his untamed protectiveness unattractive, but at least so far there had been no complaints.

Usually Oikawa made sure that no alpha he deemed as a threat could even approach Iwaizumi. Usually Oikawa made sure to stay vigilant to keep unnecessary alphas at bay. Usually Oikawa didn't have to run errands for a professor when he was already supposed to go home.

That is why Oikawa now found himself looking across the campus at an interaction between Iwaizumi and an alpha. Oikawa had seen the guy around, but didn't know his name - didn't even care to know. All he cared about was the fact that the alpha was standing close to his Iwa-chan, leaning even closer as he spoke, his pheromones starting to stink so strongly that Oikawa could smell them from such a distance away.

Oikawa was already making his way towards Iwaizumi and the alpha when he saw the omega react with a laugh. It was the special kind of laugh that made him smile cutely, and Oikawa was seething with rage. He ran, growling as he went, and both the alpha and omega turned to look at him as he approached.

Oikawa might have been prepared to kick the other alpha's ass, to do whatever it took to drive him away, but his thoughts of revenge came to a halt when he saw the frown on Iwaizumi's face. Any feelings of anger were quickly drawn from his body and he came to a stop right next to the others, panting and not entirely sure how to feel.

"What are you doing, Shittykawa?" Iwaizumi snapped.

Oikawa hung his head in defeat. He had never intended to show this side of himself to his mate. He had decided early on that his job was to make sure that no alphas could touch Iwaizumi while making it appear that he wasn't responsible for it. He wasn't supposed to run all over the school and make a fool of himself.

Oikawa listened to Iwaizumi and the alpha finish their conversation before saying their goodbyes. Oikawa didn't look up to the other alpha even once. He was now only closely familiar with his shoes that were currently walking away. His eyes turned to Iwaizumi's shoes that were facing him.

"What were you thinking?" Iwaizumi asked.

He was angry, and Oikawa deserved it. He had never felt so ashamed in his life.

"I'm sorry, Iwa-chan," he said, docile.

Iwaizumi crossed his arms. Oikawa looked up to face his mate.

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