Start from the beginning

Ma gave another one of her awkward chuckles, looking nervously at her daughters she continued talking, "Before moving here, in Arizona, we used to live in Dublin. There your father was a billionaire tycoon's only son. We left Dublin when you both, were two year old, so as to keep you both safe from all the threats we were getting when clo was born. We kept our past lives a secret to you both because we thought it was safe and better that way."

Dua looked at her mother and father, she had no words to say, neither did she have any expression to show, she was so dumbstruck, she didn't even know what to think anymore. Just as she tried to sought everything and put in her head, her ma started talking again, "A week ago we got a call from your grandfather's lawyer, saying that he had died of a natural heart attack and that he had left all of the three million property on your father's name. And for that reason we have to return back to Dublin, tonight."

Dua felt her whole world crumbling around her. Slowly falling down into pieces, revealing another bigger world, which seemed huge and heavy compared to her small and happy one. She didn't understand anything that her mother said after that, all she could feel at the moment was anger. Never had she before felt such strong anger arose in her. But the more she contemplated on everything her ma had said to them right now, a even stronger feeling was forming inside of her. A feeling of betrayal, that she had felt before but had somehow managed to overcome and forget about it. Betrayal felt like a constant pain in the heart, which was so strong that no matter how hard you tried, the pain never seemed to subside. The only thing that eased the pain was time, and lots and lots of time.

She felt something wet and warm on her cheek. No matter how much she tried to stop them, those stupid tears came rolling down, it never used to be easy for her to stop them before anyways. In between her salty tears Dua spoke, "You lied to us, almost all the time?" Even though she had been lied to before, had been betrayed, but still this time it felt different, more heavier and stronger. Maybe because this time the people who broke her trust and betrayed her were her own parents. She didn't know what to do, or what to say at that moment. She felt so suffocated, that breathing in the same room as her parents, who had lied to her throughout her life, was becoming too difficult for her.

She stood up from her seat and just walked out of the room, ran upstairs to her room leaving her parents behind. As she walked away from them, it felt like she was not only walking away from the room but with every step that she took it felt like she was walking away from her home, her life, her family, her friends but mostly importantly she was walking away from herself, everything that she knew about herself was now slowly becoming a blur, she was going very far from the person she knew just a few minutes ago, very far away. She didn't know if she would ever be able to find herself again but for now she just hoped that whenever she does find herself, it isn't too late.

Dua was sitting on the roof above her room, alone. Looking at the beautiful sky above her. Now having a lot of air, she could finally clear her mind. Most of the times she simply forgot about the situation and let it pass by on it's own. And that was exactly what she was going to do this time too, but something in the back of her mind told her that this wasn't going to pass away so quickly. She sat thinking about all the times her parents had lied to her. So easily they had done it, did they ever feel guilty? Did it ever bothered them? There were just so many questions in her mind but answer for none of them.

She lay back flat on the roof, now facing the dark clear night sky directly. There were very few stars out tonight, almost none of them were shining. The moon was also in its crescent shape, which led to no light at all. Everything around her was very dark. But she wasn't afraid of the dark, she had sat in the same position so many times in her life. Every time she was upset, or angry or just bored, she would always come up here.

The night sky and the sunset looked extremely beautiful from up there. She often spent her time up on the roof then she did in her own room. This place was her escape, her thinking spot and the only corner where she could cry freely, where she hadn't had to cover her mouth just so that no one heard her cry. She felt more home there than anywhere in her house. She lay there wondering how her new life will be. Everything from now on would be new, strange and big. She didn't know if she would ever like it anywhere except there in Arizona, but she didn't have much of a say in it anyways. She heard the gentle footsteps of her ma. Her mother sat next to her quietly for a long time until she finally said, "There wasn't an option, sunflower. Everything we did was to protect you both, we could lose you or clodagh. I would have never forgiven myself if anything happened to you both. I am so sorry, Dua."

"You lied to me about everything. I know you and dad did it to protect us, I understand that. But don't you think we should at least have known. You can't expect me to pack my bag and move to another place where life is different. Where my life is different. Where I am different. It's like I don't even know who I am anymore. I should have at least known who I was. The least you could have told me was about my own real identity ma." Dua wanted to say a lot more than that, but words didn't seem to come out. So she just sat there, staring at nothing, until she finally said, "You should just go. It's chilly out here."

Her ma just nodded and got up to leave not before saying, "Come in soon, sunflower. We have a long flight to catch in an hour, no need to worry about packing, it has already been done for you."
As she saw the retreating figure of her mother, she knew, sixty seconds would not be able to undo sixteen years of her false life.

Posted - 21 October 2020
So here is the first chapter!
Hope you like it and are intrigued on reading more:)
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