A New Start!

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9:30 p.m.

   The streets of Musutafu would be deafened by silence, if not for the constant vehicles passing by ever so frequently. The tension in the air grew so thick, one could possibly drown in it.

   In the far distance, a green mop of bushy hair is spotted. The owner of the hair, Izuku Midoriya, was jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

   The previous day, Izuku had confronted his parents.

Midoriya residence
4 p.m. (earlier in the day)

   "Izuku, honey, you don't need to follow in our footsteps!" Inko said, ruffling Izuku's green, curly locks.

   "If you want to be a hero, we won't stop you," Hisashi said, a reassuring smile on his features. "You just have to promise us that you will be happy, alright?"

   Izuku beamed. He never really asked his parents whether he could be a hero or not. When he finally asked, he didn't regret it.

   "You approve of me wanting to be a hero?" Izuku said, his eyes glimmering with happiness. Inko and Hisashi nodded simultaneously with a wide smile on their faces.


9:32 p.m.

   "Lets see… should I try applying to a high school? There are a few choices. But still…" He muttered, asking a rhetorical question. Though, he did not expect someone to answer.

   "Getting a good education is essential if you're just a kid."

   Izuku's head instantaneously turned around to face a tired-looking man.

   "Ah, Eraserhead!" Izuku exclaimed in surprise.

   "I'm still unsure of how you know my name, kid. I am an underground hero, after all." Aizawa said tiredly.

   Izuku chuckled briefly. "I pay attention to all heroes, Eraserhead." He stated simply.

   Aizawa sighed and walked closer towards Izuku. The sudden movement made Izuku take a step backwards instinctively.

   "No need to be alarmed, kid. I'm not gonna arrest you anytime soon," Aizawa said, stopping right in front of Izuku.

   "Sorry, battle sense," Izuku said, rubbing the back of his neck. Aizawa nodded his head understandingly at Izuku.

    There was a moment of awkward silence between the two, then both of them tried to speak up. Realising each others' intentions, both paused.

   "You may go first!" Izuku laughed.

   "No, I insist on you going first," Aizawa said.

   A silence again.

   "We possibly want to say the same thing!" Izuku exclaimed, "Alright, lets both speak at the same time."

   Once Aizawa nodded in agreement, both took deep breaths.

   "I want to become a hero!"

   "I want you to quit villainy."

Silence~ 沈黙

   "What?" Aizawa gasped, surprised.

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