“Come to think of it, you also called Simba uncle back when we all met,” she said. “Why is that?”

   Nathan smiled at her and said. “Him and my father are great friends, brothers if you add,” he turned his head back to the king who is telling the same explanation to the animals. “Not to mention, that goes to Queen Nala and my mother too. The four of them had gone to many adventures in their days,”

   The lioness followed his movement and silence came between them until Vitani blurted out. “That makes me and Kovu somewhat your cousins then,”

   “In a way, maybe,” Nathan admitted before covering his ears at another deafening sound trumped yet again.

  By the time it’s over, the next thing that can be heard throughout the savannah are the angry shouts from the Pride Rock.



   The day went on without any trouble. The Pride Landers warmly welcomed the new comers while Kion and his companions went to reunited with their family. Of course, all but Fuli.

   The cheetah sat on top of a hill with a tree next to her, overlooking at the sunset in her view as she enjoys the silence and peace. It didn’t last long when her lone time was interrupted by a familiar chirp she hadn’t heard from for four months.


   Looking behind, she saw a young baboon coming to her. Normally, she always found the species as an annoyance in her nerves like they always do. However, she knew very well who this chimp is and was glad to see him.

   “Hey, Huzi,” she greeted the young one, smiling as the young baboon sat beside her. “How’s your mother?”

   The young cheetah got fond with him ever since she brought him back to his family. Huzi’s name was taken after the cheetah’s catchphrase and he has been looking up at her like a big sister. Unlike the other baboon troop, Huzi’s family and clan is less rowdy which the cheetah appreciated.

   “She’s doing fine, Big sis,” Huzi said.

   Fuli responded with a small chuckle and playfully rubbed his head with a paw. They have truly developed a sibling relationship for as long as the older Pride Lander can remember. Together, they enjoyed the view in peace with warm smiles.

   “I got to say, the Pride Lands truly had one of the most beautiful sceneries in the world,” a voice spoke-up from behind them.

   “Got that right,” Fuli replied as she and Huzi went silent for a moment before they both started blinking in realization. “Wait a minute,”

   They turned behind them to see a human boy, no more than fourteen as she guessed, standing there with a swaying cloak around him. His face adorn a few freckles and blue eyes sparkling along with his bright smile and messy, brown hair. On his hand is a plain-looking, brown bag with a silver buckle.

   Fuli instantly went to protective mode, and stood in front of Huzi. She’s unsure whether or not this stranger is an ally. Seeing the cheetah’s action, the boy brought his hands out and spoke calmly.

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