Chapter One

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   In the Marsh Forest, a tiger cub is dangling from a cracking branch while a tigress cub looks up in worry. They were only playing as they and their family are visiting the king and queen, the cub then started climbing one of the trees in the forest and crawled unknowingly on a weak branch before it started going lose. Upon the sudden movements, he loss his footing and is now clinging at the breaking branch high above the ground.

   "Hang on Feliks!" the young tigress cub cried, not knowing how to save her brother. Feliks look down and he is terrified as he is now seeing how long the fall is, to make things worst...


   "AAAAAAHHHH!" Feliks screamed as the branch started bending a lot more, one more and he will fall to his doom. The tigress cub gasped in horror, scared for his brother's endangered life.


   As his hang for dear life, two, yellow and blue predator eyes flashed purple as they were looking straight to the clinging cub yards away in the sky. The large bird narrowed her eyes before flying fast in the sky, heading towards the cub. Below the ground, a yellow blur dashed behind the bird's shadow. Her tail flicks in the wind as she runs faster than sound, leaving a trail of dust as she runs.

   "Please hold a little longer brother!" the tigress cub cried, desperate for his sibling's life. Unknown for her, she is under the branch and her own life is in danger as well. Feliks was about to reply until...

   Crack... Snap!

   Feliks screamed and closed his eyes, the tigress cub froze as the branch headed towards her. With a crash, the branch impact the ground...

   Neither cubs is under nor close to it.

   "Its okay Feliks, you can open your eyes now." Feliks didn't know what is happening but he knew he heard a reassuring female voice and for some reason he's still in the air and something is holding him by the scruff. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the broken branch in the ground, no sign of his sister around. He then turned his head to see two talon feet holding him in the air, he looked up to see the eyes of a young purple and white martial eagle smiling at him.

   "Big sis Anga!" Anga chuckled at this and lowered him to the ground, a cheetah then dash towards them before slowing down into a stop and placed down Feliks' sister who was overjoyed seeing him safe. The both run towards each other.

   "Pasha!" Felix shouted.

   "Feliks, your okay!" the siblings laugh as they playfully rumble each other, the eagle and cheetah smiled as they watch from afar. As they sat there watching them, They heard someone calling out from behind.

  "Anga! Fuli!"

   They turned and the cubs stopped playing and looked as well. Approaching them were a honey badger, a hippo, and an egret riding on its back. Behind them were an adult tigress and a tigress cub who were glad to see the two cubs well and fine, both approach the cubs and the tigress started nuzzling them in relief.

   "You both are okay." she sigh before turning to Anga and Fuli. "Thank you for saving them, I don't know how to repay you."

   "It is nothing, really." Fuli replied, the family bid them farewell and happily went their way. After that, the two female animals turned to the remaining three who stood there with a smile on their faces which they did in return.

   "Is there anything during the patrol?" the eagle asked, the egret shook his head.

   "Nothing out of the ordinary, although~" both him and the hippo turned their eyes to the honey badger who is rubbing his arm nervously. The girls looked at each other then back at the badger, raising an eye as they wait for his response. It didn't take long before he slipped it out with a squeaky tone.

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