"William! Stop!" Riley ordered, pulling me back. I struggled against his hold, wanting to do some serious damage. He pulled me away from them. "William, he is under our custody now. He won't hurt Gwen."

"But that doesn't mean others won't!" I exclaimed, pushing him away from me.

"You are there to protect her. There are six of you. I've known her, and she is stronger than you give her credits for." He said, calmly, raising his hands in surrender. "Let me do the talking. I'm sure he will spill some names out."

I looked over at the Michael who was struggling against the officers now as they push him into the car. "Fine. But I want updates on everything. Mr. Black is involved and I know it."

"We will look into it. Black is still in prison. He can't do bloody shit from there." Riley assured. I nodded my head in response.

Riley walked back to the car and talked to the officer while I made my way inside. I saw Amber and Gwen hugging before they pulled back. I stood beside Nate, looking at them.

"Are we continuing?" Amber asked Gwen, pointing a finger at the way to the party.

Gwen turned towards us, her eyes pleading for us to let her go. "You can go, but make sure to be with Ryan and Max." I warned her.

Her face lit up in a grin as she ran towards me and gave me a hug. "Thank you. Thank you. I'll make sure to stay with Ryan and Max." Before I could respond, she caught hold of Amber and pulled her to the party.

"Alright, looks like we are done here." Nate said, excitedly. "Shall we give this news to Dad now?"

I rubbed my temples. "Dad is going throw a fit because we didn't inform him before."

And I was right. As soon as we reached home, Nate recited the whole event to the others, getting a shock look from them and then there was Dad. He literally threw a fit and ordered me to bring Gwen back so he could apologize and stare at her for the whole night to make sure, she doesn't disappear. I rolled my eyes at him and denied to which he threatened to remove me from his will. I shrugged and went for a bath while he complained about me to Mom. Once I was done taking a bath, I decided to give some time to the pending work that I've been neglecting. To my surprise when I checked my business mail, all my pending work has been miraculously completed. My thoughts flew to Sophia and how she must have transferred my work to herself and completed it. That eased most of my work.

The following day, the men in the house were cooking food for Gwen and Mom because of the way we behaved, basically because we didn't believe Gwen when she told us that the reason she was being chased was because of business. Dad promised her that we would make the best food they have ever had and since then we've been in the kitchen cooking for them. It's actually the siblings cooking and Dad ordering us around. I was getting very frustrated but hearing Gwen laugh from behind, kept me going.

"Are you sure it's edible?" Mom asked, looking at the food we prepared.

"Of course," Blake grinned happily at her.

"Should we try?" Gwen asked, looking over at Mom.

"That's not even a question," I said, flatly. "You have to!"

To our very surprise, the food turned out to be very good. I mean, we did get help from Mary-Ann afterall. Everyone enjoyed and praised the food. It wasn't until we were done eating and cleaning, when my anger took hold of me.

We were sitting in the backyard, discussing the arrangements of our cousins who were soon going to come to London. It was decided that they are going to stay over at Wilson House. Ethan has been insisting for me to share my room with one of our cousins, even when we have many spare rooms.

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