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"You seem off today" Finn points out as we sat in the library it's been a week, Cylia stopped being my roommate and started living at home off-campus with her family.

Jack has been non stop at my dorm bugging me, and Finn has stayed with me for a majority of the nights since his roommates are being difficult.

"I never expected it to end so suddenly, you know..." I look at him zoning back in from my thoughts.

"Yeah, me too" he sighed slightly shrugging "I mean Cylia seems a lot happier now that she's not living on campus, I think she missed her family."

"Yeah, now I'm alone stuck in a two-person dorm paying all of the fees for it..." I mumble

"I can help pay" he offers

"What? No! Finn you don't need to do that, I'll get a part-time job." I say

"No, let me I've been staying there too much and you can't be this nice to me. I insist."

A smile crept onto my face at his humble generosity, he smiled back "what?"

"Nothing, I just think you're sweet"

He glanced down at my lips, I broke our tension by faking a cough "ahem, sorry what time is it?" I checked my phone

"Oh look at the time, aha it's almost class I gotta go or I'll be late, I'll see you back at the dorm later!" I grab my things running away before he could speak anymore.

I think I like him, but I'm not sure how to take it. He was Jack's best friend and if we dated I'd be proving what Jack said...

Out of all the people I could've moved on from him it happened to be my ex's best friend.

Why am I like this?


Finn met me at the doorway of my class when it was over, I awkwardly waved and smiled softly at him he returned it and we walked together in silence before he spoke.

"I was thinking about the incident we had experienced earlier today." He said

"Where?" I acted cluelessly

"In the library" he reply's "I just felt like I made you uncomfortable and I didn't mean to."

"You didn't do anything Finn, I'm an awkward college freshman. My high school ego and confidence is out the door, I've changed." I tell him

"Oh," he grumbles "I just want you to know; I'll be here even if you don't need me to be."

I hate how nice he is, I feel like it's manipulative but also it doesn't come off that way. Just is different from my past relationship(s).

"Thanks" I smile

We walk up to the door of my dorm and I unlock it, going inside I close it behind us.

"Oh to be back here" I sigh throwing my book bag onto the ground beside my desk. Finn lays on Cylia's old bed and takes his shoes off.

"Hey" I look at him

He looked a bit worried as he looked at me "yeah?"

"Come here" I lay down on my bed, puzzled he got up slowly approaching me "huh?"

"Lay down" I demand with a smile he obeys joining me on my bed I hug him, us spooning with him being little and me being the big spoon.

"I'm so tired I could go for an after-class nap," I mumble into his sweater

"Me too, this is nice" he holds my hand I smile and feel myself get sleepier as the minutes go by.

I may be simping for him back, and that's okay. I shouldn't need validation from anyone else to say who I can or cannot date, regardless of previous relationships or friendship that was there.

"Hey y/n" Finn softly said

"Yeah Finn?"

"Do you like me?"

"Of course."

"No, like, like-like me, like you'd want to maybe date me," he says

"Let's talk about that after the nap, ok Finn it's a lot of pressure for me right now," I tell him

"Ok, I'm sorry I asked" he apologized I gave his hand a squeeze in the reassurance that I'm not uncomfortable with him.

"I'll tell you this, I don't just cuddle with anyone," I say

He held my hand up to his face kissing it "I love you"

"I love you too"

He turned his head trying to face me as best as he could from our current position.

"You do?"

"I've honestly just been avoiding us because of Jack," I admit

"Why?" He lets go of my hand facing me

I shrug "I guess because he made me think it was fucked that I'd be dating you, his ex-best friend..."

"And that means something? Y/n you can't let your ex control your life, even when you were dating. Never let someone control you, that's your job."

"I've never had a boyfriend before him, Finn no one told me about relationships..." I defend myself I felt like crying he was getting slightly angry with me and I can't handle it.

I couldn't stop the tears brimming the edges of my eyes, he saw them and his face softens. "I'm sorry that was harsh." He wiped the tears from my face bringing me into his embrace.

"I want to protect you, not hurt you." He said "it was tough love"

"It's okay, Finn" I assure him sniffing back the tears in my nose "I'm not hurt, I just am sensitive."

He kissed my head while still hugging me, my face was hurried in his chest as I breathed slowly he brushed my back with his thumb lightly.

"We should nap now," he says

I nod agreeing

Maybe I shouldn't let Jack control my life still...

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