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It was the first day of the semester and Sophia helped out a lot with decorating my dorm to even unpacking my stuff from my car to my room, along with other things for my house.

"So how do you feel?" She asked me while we were driving to my new school.

"Freshman year of college, it's nerve-racking." I admit "but I mean at least I'll make friends, I haven't even met the person I'm dorming with either."

"Well you will today," she says to me I nod and we arrive at the parking lot, "where to park..." Sophia clicked her tongue in suspense

Finding a parking spot at a college is harder than I thought it would've been, and damn am I glad I have Sophia driving my car not me.

"Oh here's one" I spot it ahead of us Sophia pulls into it we both get out and walk to the main entrance then to my dorm.

I have the key to it now so I unlock it and walk in to see the girl who I'm rooming within there, she's laughing on the phone with someone.

"Oh sorry, I gotta go, love you too bae, bye." She hung up and looked at us

"Hey, you must be my roommate." She gets up "what's your name?"

"Y/n, what's yours?" I ask

"Oh, I'm Cylia." She says

"Nice this is my friend Sophia she's just here helping me settle in," I tell her

Cylia nods "Oh cool, well I'm going to head out for dinner do you want to join me? My boyfriend and a couple of his friends will be there." She smiles

"Uh sure, can Sophia come?" I ask

"Yeah! More the merrier" she chirps then heads for the door "I'll see you guys in the little bit, at the main dining hall" she closes the door behind her.

"She seems nice" I turn to Sophia

"Yeah" Sophia agrees

"Want to go now? I'm hungry"

"Same" she opens the door and lets me out first I walk into the hallway

"Where is the main dining hall?" Facing Sophia she shrugs "let's ask someone?"

"Okay" I walk with her to the office and we ask one of their secretaries where to find the main dining hall.

They tell us where to go and it's almost across the whole school where we are right now, she hands us a map with it circled and also circles where we are too.

We thank her and walk over to the place taking our time but soon enough we arrive there, I look for Cylia she finds us greeting me and Sophia then leading the both of us to the table where she is with everyone else.

My heart drops when I see who else is there, and I'm pretty sure his did too.

three years later, and I never thought I'd see him again.

"What's wrong?" Cylia asks

"Nothing." Jack and I both say at the same time

Everyone at the table, Noah, Millie, Gaten, Caleb and even Finn was there. This was going to be an intense dinner.

"How have you been y/n?" Noah piped up looking at me I shrug "I've been well, just got back from Florida. Got accepted here." I paused "aren't you at Princeton?"

"Really? That's awesome! and yeah I am but Jack invited us because he got a scholarship through lacrosse for this school" he tells me

Jack and I make eye contact

"Really, that's cool," I say

"So you guys all know each other?" Cylia asks

"Yeah." We all say at the same time

"I need to use the washroom" I excuse myself getting up from the table and going out of the room.

I took a deep breath walking down the hallway, I felt a bit better getting away from him. He moved on already, so why should I give a shit?

"Hey." Jack said from behind me I turn and face him "what?"

"How are you?"

"Doesn't matter, you should be in there with your new girlfriend." I say "she's my roommate by the way."

"Yeah I know, and if you would've just answered me three years ago we could've made this work out. But no you blocked me on everything, did you expect me to just sit around waiting for you to move back?" He says

"I didn't block you, Jack. You legit said that this wasn't going to work out anymore or something along those lines, did you expect me to stay here moping around after we broke up? No, I messed up badly and deserve everything you said to me but I still have feelings okay." Leaning towards him "no matter how many times we break up and get back together it won't erase the fact that we're toxic for each other."

"I loved you. And all you did was went behind my back and fucked my best friend." He clenched his jaw "and when I felt like I needed you the most is when you did that."

"Yeah, and I hate myself almost every day for it."

"Almost?" He glared

"Well, whenever it crosses my mind, yes." I felt numb in my chest "you broke my heart, I broke yours. I thought it would've made us even but all that did was separate us."

"I still love you. But I'm not sure how I could be with you again." He grabs my face "I'm sorry."

"I am too," I mumble, he kisses my cheek then walked away back into the dining hall where everybody else was.

I felt my cheek, feeling him do that again only made me miss him even more.


full disclosure by the way cylia wont be a 'bad guy' just for sheer entertainment, so don't hate on her I think she is innocent in real life! Once again for entertainment purposes only and no bad blood on her just a character in my book :)

okay enjoy!


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