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"Hey Mel," I said to my friend back in Florida over the phone

"Hey, hows the move?" She wonders

"It's good, oh I met a girl in the course I take the with the same name as you," I tell her "she's nice"

"Unlike me?" She laughs lightly at her own joke I join in "yeah something like that, I don't know much about her but just going off our conversation."

"Oh cool, are you ever going to come back and visit? You kind of just up and left" she says

"Yeah" I sigh "sorry about that by the way, it was never meant to be so sudden it was just-"

"Hey!" My uncle yells outside of my dorm with my dad walking in first they both hugged me

"I gotta go bye, I'll call you later!" My dad and uncle got off me

"Who was that?" He asked looking at my phone I shut it off "my friend Mel, do you guys know how to knock?"

"Uh yeah, I just wanted to come and see my daughter" he threw a squished bag of food at me

I hate it when he hangs out with his brother...

"Dad, can you please." I waved them away from me "I just need to be alone right now."

"Aw don't shoo your pop off like that" he began to tickle me I squirmed pushing his hands away from my armpits.

"Okay we better leave, y/n doesn't want us here plus my kids are still waiting in the car alone" my uncle spoke up

"It's not that, I just don't want anyone near me right now." I tell them "I'll be home this weekend."

"Fine" my dad patted my back "love you ok" he kissed my forehead and left

I noticed how they smelt like booze, which explains the way my dad was acting just now towards me. Mom hates when he drinks, which I totally get.

Laying back down on the bed I open the squished McDonald's bag of food grabbing the cold fries and mcchicken. Jeez, couldn't even spare me a drink?

Jack would've.

Honestly, as much as I hated him I sort of wanted his company. But I think he's in class right now if not he is surely hanging out with some friends.

My phone rang again and I answered it swiftly it was Finn on the other line "hey" he said in a monotone way

"Hi" I murmured eating the cold soggy fries since I was very hungry.

"Can I come over? I need to talk." He asks

"Uh, I don't think now is a good time, how about tomorrow?" I suggest he exhaled "y/n, please. I know you don't want to see me and made that very clear but I need to talk to someone I trust."

"Fine, hurry up though I'm eating," I say and hang up the phone throwing it somewhere in my comforter that hasn't been made on my bed.

A few minutes pass by and there's a knock at the door I go and open it to see Finn standing there, letting him in he quickly rushes to come and I close the door behind him.

"What is it, Finn?" I cross my arms "it better be important."

"Okay, you know how you said Melanie is like gay?" He starts "well... I talked to her and she said she's Bi but not really interested in me."

"I can see why" I sarcastically remarked

He rolled his eyes "whatever, but I just want to ask if you can help me look better."

"What do you mean?" I question him

"I mean make me look like a guy girls would be into, I mean you got me crushing on you still and other people. How do you do it?"

"Uh, I don't? Legit I'm just living." I laugh

"Ugh, please just help me get a better sense in style and looks." He sits on my bed "oo! Fries."

"Those are... mine..." I watched him eat them on me "I could slap the McFuck outta you right now"

"Bite me" he smirked

"Gross" I scrunch my nose, "I said I'd never talk to you again"

"Well, you are right now."

"Okay, but you don't leave me alone until I do," I say

"Yeah, and?" He shoots back

"It's the obsession for me" I insult

"Huh?" He looked at me dumbfounded I shook my head "whatever" disappointed in him for not knowing what I meant.

"You're lucky I even let you back into my life"

"How?" He asks

"Uh, for one you made me think my own boyfriend hated me so I had  s-e-x with you when I was in a relationship with your best friend."

"Oh I'm glad you brought that up, he's single now." He tells me

"Yeah, I know not like I'm roommates with his last girlfriend or anything." I sass

"Can you just help me? Again"

"I have a hate, love relationship with you and it sucks." I walk over to my vanity grabbing my laptop I sit on the bedside him opening it up I go to Pinterest.

"Let's search good guy outfit styles or something" I type it up looking at the different outfits displayed across the screen Finn leans closer to me.

"I like some of them, what do I do?" He looks at me

"Buy the clothes and wear them. Also, hygiene is key" I say "you can't be smelling like a musty sock and expect girls to swoon over you, I recommend old spice"

"Chicks dig that?"

"We don't like being referred to as 'chicks'." I glare at him

"Sorry" he sinks back in my covers "well how do I know what Melanie likes?"

"Also shower, you smell like dirt" I stick my tongue out at him he pats it I flinch in reaction gagging as well. "Ugh, Finn!"

"Don't stick your tongue out at me then" he snickers I raise my fist at him pretending to punch but he only holds his hands in front of it stopping me.

"Okay focus." He demands "okAy fOCus!" I mock

"You really are something else."

"So are you..." I mumbled

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