{chapter 20}

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the morning after

Aaron was still asleep while I was packing our bags to go back I would miss being at my brothers but I knew I couldn't stay long

I went down stairs and made a my brothers favorite then set it up then i went up to aaron

lightly i began to shake him

"hey baby... time to wake up"

"mama, nu wanna, warm"

"hehe my baby i know the bed is warm but i can get you into a nice warm onesie yeah"

He peeked up from under the blankets at the mention of a onsie which had me let out a soft giggle

"puppy one" he mumbled

"of course baby" my cute baby he really loves that puppy onesie
a few days after two weeks in dating I surprised him with this onesie and he loves it so much



"hi mommy" spoke aaron as he let me in I hugged him and picked him up

"ahh mommy nuu" he clung to me as if he were to drop him how cute

"awww my baby i got you youre so light, here look what i got you"

"pwesent, i open"

"yes baby open it"

he pulled out the onesie and his eyes went wide he felt the fabric and looked at me

"mama i luw it tank you sooooooo much"

he then enclosed me in a hug and the day was spent cuddling

-back to today-


"yes baby"

"what you tink"

"mmmm I was thinking of how lucky I am, baby is your diaper clean"

he smiled then lowered his head at my question nodding

"okay baby let's be good and get you changed"

soon Aaron was in the kitchen while I fed him and Ricky was with his daddy drinking his bottle since he was done with his food he regressed so far it was so cute with me he never went past three he said he didn't want to bother me but honestly i'd give the world for my brother and..... Aaron

"mama done"

"wow yeah such a good boy, you finished your food and you made no mess"

he let out the cutest giggles while clapping his hands

"pway" he asks with the cutest dough eyes

"no baby were leaving we just need to say bye, we have to get you home"

"home with mama"

"mmmmm maybe"

"hmph" he let out a huff and crossed his arms

"no baby come one lets get going"

I went to Ricky giving him a kiss on his forehead and rubbing his tummy then saying bye

"bye seb, please love him so much, please don't leave him he's so happy with you, and once again thank you"

"it's no problem I love him so much I don't plan on leaving" spoke seb

soon he walked me out me carrying Aaron and I placed him in his seat he was nice and comfty


"right here baby" I plopped it into his mouth and got up front and started driving home Aaron fell asleep for the majority we had to make a stop since he was hungry. Soon we got to my house and Aaron was asleep I picked him up set him in his bed and went to go cook

after an hour later I hear a cry through his moniter and run to his room.

"mama huggie" he spoke sitting up

"aww my baby come here" I sat him on my lap and rocked him my baby, he was quite and calm until I felt him trying to suck at my nipple. He was deep in head space.

"baby you want breast"

he nodded and nuzzled closer to me

I let out a soft sigh I guess i'll be doing this more often

"here baby, but remember be careful you could hurt mommy"


he then carefully latched on and cuddled

we were both just relaxing when I got a call

"hey marcos what's up"

"Luna i'm so so so so so so so sorry to ask but could you maybe babysit Erik for me this weekend"

"Marcos you know I don't mind of course I can"

"AHH thank you girly you're a life saver"

"what you doing this time"

"work i'm shooting in Paris and I cant take Erik since he needs to update his info and we don't have time"

"ahh I see poor Erik he must be really sad he's used to going with you"

"ughh yeah it breaks my heart, he's been stuck in head space and refuses to leave my side"

"awwwww poor baby its okay just a few days with me"

softly I herd Marco's tell Erik "yeah baby just a little bit with una and then i'll be back in four days"

"you come back dada"

"aww my baby boy of course"

"awwww you two melt my heart well ill let you go see you..."

"friday night"

"awesome k byeeee"



"yes baby"


"okay baby let's get you clean and then some dinner and off to bed because we are busy tomorrow"


soon I had him all nice and cleaned up in his soft pj's I lay him in his crib he was really tired he went out so quick I then went to my room and hoped he'd wake up big tomorrow since we have lots to do in the mean time i'd get some sleep

so yeah this was like a filler idk really loosing inspiration lol but................. I am working on more chapters give me a week and i'll upload I am super busy with my college classes

ohhhhh and I was wondering... I know many writers don't do this but... I want to do a give away. I am grateful for all the reads. yes I know it's not a lot but like for me it is I am not used to it soooo yeah. the give away will probably consist of pacifiers, sippy cups.... something like that... but yeah tell me what you think. I'd Like for people to participate. But yeah once again thank you! Well yeah, peace.

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