Kirameku mirai e Dash! Supernova! (then shows Taiga, Titas and Fuma jumping and then shows Yuga and his team with the Tri-Squad behind them)

Molten Iron Monster, Demaaga appears

-at the Sky Base the next day-

(Dula is eating at the canteen in which the members saw him after Yoshino brings him in)

Yuga: Hey, who's that?

Yoshino: Semon Seijin Dula, I arrested him way back before I joined AIGES. He's specialised on shoddy scams and theft.

Fumikage: Why is he here?

Yoshino: He was in the alien prison before being released, he spurt out of Villain Guild's secrets. And now he's been chased.

Kaki: By the Villain Guild?

Dula: No, that was rough. Could I have seconds?

Yokan: Why's a creep need some more?

Nana: Hey, hey, he's more hungry.

Satoru: So, what did you know about the Villain Guild and why spurt out the secrets?

Dula: Well, I'm like helping people.

Yuga: So, you ask for us?

Dula: Yup. And also, some stuff came up and I need to get back to Planet Semon. But they're after me, someone pick me up today. So I'm asking Yoshi-chan to help me out. So? Will you?

Yuga: Not interested.

Fumikage: Who cares.

Yokan: Who wants to work with the creep?

Eve: But, Yoshino-san, you know him very well, why not you help him.

Yoshino: I would, but, I would need some backup.

Satoru: I'll call in Captain.

Dula: Hold it! This is between you all, the captains are scary!

Yuga: Captain? Scary?

(then he thought of Najenda being scary)

Nana: That's not what he meant.

Dula: You're just abandoning me? That's so cruel!

Yoshino: He's been like this since yesterday!

Fumikage: But, he's seems desperate.

Eve: So what do we do?

Yoshino: Alright, we'll help up.

Dula: That's the Yoshi-chan I know!

Yoshino: But, in one condition, no more trouble with the authorities.

Dula: Kay.

Yoshino: So, Yuga and Fumikage, take care of him.

Dula: Hey! I'll only go with Yoshi-chan. I don't go with men.

Everyone: Eh?

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