"No! God, Luke. Let me explain." She looked even more nervous now, but what was she nervous for?

"How could you have a kis with him but not have slept with him?" It truly didn't make sense.

She sighed. "I adopted Kyle after my best friend Marly died in child birth. She was 15 when it happened. 4 years ago. Josh is the father, and he helps a lot. But he's in the military. That's why I adopted Kyle."

"Why couldn't Josh or Marly's family take care of him?" I wasn't trying to pry or anything; I just wanted to know.

"Marly's family kicked her out when they found out she was pregnant, and Josh's family is all dead. He was a foster child. I love Josh and Kyle, but I would never date Josh. Plus, he still loves Marly madly." She looked like she was about to cry, so I pulled her in for a tight hug.

"How come I never met him before?" I asked into her hair quietly.

"He was staying with my aunt until I got settled in here. I've called him a ton of times when we were together, but I just never said anything. And now Josh surprised me by bringing him here himself. He'll be staying here with Kyle and I for a couple of weeks before being sent back to work in Iraq. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." She started to cry.

"Shh. It's okay. I love you. Thats all that matters." It was silent for a minute before I spoke up again. "Can I meet him?" I asked quietly.

"Of course." She wiped her eyes and chuckled lightly.

"Ky, I want you to meet someone. You too, Josh." She called out in her backyard as we walked out hand-in-hand. "This is Luke, my boyfriend. Luke, this is Josh and Kyle." Josh smirked at me suggestively while Kyle hid behind Izzy's leg shyly.

"Z, play with me!" Kyle tugged on Izzy's leg to the grass. She let go of my hand, and I smiled as I watched her play with him. They were adorable together. She was a great mom.

"So you and Izzy?" Josh bumped my shoulder.

I laughed and nodded. "Yeah."

"How long?" He asked with a smile.

"About 2 months. It feels like longer though." I smiled and kept staring at Izzy with Kyle.

"She's a good girl. A great friend. I don't know one person that would adopt their best friends kid after she died just to keep him out of the foster system. I still am shocked that she did that." He smiled at her admiringly.

"She amazes me everyday."

"Yeah. You won't have to worry about me, man. I'm just a friend. Almost like a brother...who shares a kid with her." He said confusingly.

"I trust her." I laughed and bumped his shoulder.

"Good, but I have to say. Hurt my sons mother, and I'll kill you. I know many ways to do it with my bare hands." He turned serious.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I said calmly.

"Thats weird. Usually her boyfriends get scared. Not that she's had many boyfriends! I didn't mean it like that." He tried to clear up.

"I know I won't hurt her, so why should I be scared?" I shrugged.

"True." He smiled at me then turned back to see Kyle running at him.

"Mommy said you need to give me a bath because I stink." He smiled proudly at Josh.

"Do I now?" He laughed picking up his son.

"Yes." Izzy smiled walking over to us as well and wrapping her arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders in response.

"Fine. Lets go, buddy." He grumbled. Then as he walked away, he whispered, "Did you hear her? I will give you a bath whenever I feel like it." Izzy laughed and shook her head at him.

"I want one." I said randomly as we cuddled outside on her grass.

"One what?" She lifted her head to look at me.

"A baby." I said looking down at her and moving a piece of hair out of her face. "Not right now, but I do want one."

"With me?" She laid her head back down on my chest.

"Yeah. He would have blonde hair and hopefully your eyes." I started to think of how cute our baby would be.

"What if its a girl? I'd hope she has your nose. You have a cute nose." She smiled and booped my nose.

"We could have a boy and a girl." I smiled and kissed her lips.

She hummed. "That sounds nice." Then continued kissing me.

"Ew! Mommy is kissing Luke!" Josh yelled. Yes, the male military guy yelled that like a little girl.

"Mommy!" Kyle yelled and ran toward us. He plopped down next to us, and Izzy pulled him into our cuddle. I felt awkward. Not because Kyle was cuddling with us, but because Josh was staring at us.

After Izzy decided to cool with Kyle, Josh and I sat on the couch watching TV. "Hey, Josh. Look I'm not trying to take your kid." I said awkwardly. The cuddle did kind of look like I was trying to make his kid mine.

"Don't worry about it." Josh laughed. "You mean a lit to Izzy, and I know you're a good guy. I want you to be in Kyle's life otherwise Izzy will corrupt him to her girly ways." He said making me laugh.

"I'll try not to let her do that, mate." He laughed and nodded.


"I present PB&J's!" Kyle smiled showing the gaps from where teeth have fallen out. Izzy walked in behind him with four plates and set them down on the coffee table.

"Thanks, Kyle. Izzy." Josh smiled as he pulled Kyle onto his lap and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks, babe." I smiled as Izzy sat on my lap, setting her plate on her lap and mine in my hands.

"No problem." She smiled and kissed my lips quickly.

"I love you." I whsipered in her ear quietly while we all watched some movie.

"I love you, too, babe." She whispered back with a huge grin. I loved causing that grin.

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