Work with you?

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You would always try to sleep on the couch so Aisawa could actually start to sleep regularly, but one of two things would happen. You end up on the bed with him on the couch, or you would end up waking up with you and him in the bed. You would almost never notice when this happened though, because by the time you woke up he was gone. Off to work at UA the school that you and him first meet. You never thought Shouta fuckin Aisawa of all people would be working with kids, or "brats" as you learned he'd call them frequently. You couldn't stand staying in the house all day doing nothing. You couldn't clean anything, not because you were lazy or incapable, but for the fact that he was a neat freak when it came to the house. You couldn't cook, well not properly anyways all of your cooking skills went down the drain as soon as you entered the kitchen.

"Maybe it's because you've been secluded for so long that you don't have that muscle memory anymore. Which is a shame I used to love your cooking." Shouta said while throwing away a very burnt tray of Yaki Onigiri. So you literally sat at home all day either watching the tv or in the small "home gym" in his garage. All though you got to hand it to him the place was pretty well planed out you had a treadmill, weights, a stationary bike, bench presses, and 3 or 4 more machines that you'd been really impressed by seeing. Despite his appearance he was really strong. He only wore baggy t-shirts and sweats around the house but when you saw him in the garage he was pretty damn close to lifting what you could. You figured if you couldn't do anything around the house you should get a job to help pay for things.

He already spent so much on you you'd thought if you got a job and worked on renewing your hero license that you wouldn't feel so guilty staying here. "You don't need to do that I get payed well enough and we don't know for sure if they're still looking for you." Shouta said one night while you two were washing the dishes from that nights dinner. "But Sho all I do is stay in this clean house all day either watching the news or in the garage." You pointed out while he started towards his room to grab pillows and a blanket for him. "Although that's true and probably really boring if the villains find out where you are they'll hunt you down and probably do a lot worse to you than before." He was right but you still insisted on working. "Listen the only way I'd consider this is if you worked with me in UA."

"Work with you? But UA is such a prestigious school. How would I ever get hired." You asked thinking there was no damn way that would work. "You're the #1 hero's kid. Predicted to surpass him within the first year of becoming a hero" He stated. He had a point there; he alway had a point in any debate you two had, even in your guy's UA days. "Ok then I'll wake up with you tomorrow and we can talk to the principal" You said smiling with hope. "Who, who is the principal now a days?"

"Nezu." Sho answered, "NEZU?! He's still kicking?!" You blurted out in absolute shock "Yup" he responded while yawning. "I'll see you in the morning I'm taking the c-" "Don't even think of finishing that sentence Sho you slept on the couch yesterday and the day before that you dragged me into the bedroom at 3 in the morning. I'm taking the couch tonight." You interrupted him showing him you were very serious about it. "Well I'm already set on the cou-". Before he could finish his sentence he looked at the couch and saw all his stuff was gone. Replaced with your stuff and a smug smiling you. "Who's stuff is on the couch"? You asked scarcely calm, he sighed and mumbled something that you couldn't quite hear fully. "Damn bat" is what you heard. "Did you call me a bat"? You asked trying not to laugh. "What? No I said 'well that was fast'." "Ohh ok" you said with out a second thought. "Good night Sho-Sho I'll see you in the morning." You said as you formed into a girl and slipped into the covers on the couch. "Goodnight Y/N."

I am so sorry I haven't updated this damn fiction in 2 fuckin years! I've just gotten completely off track and haven't had the time to sit and write but I'm back! Thankfully I wrote down the concept of this fic or I would've completely forgotten what this was about. Again sorry I haven't updated in 2 years except more frequent uploads from now on Rose out!

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