Calm Before The Storm

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You woke up early in the morning looking down only to see Sho still holding on to you for dear life. You couldn't help but smile. Seince it was the weekend you two didnt have any responsibilities until the afternoon when you had to go to the ranking gala to see how far youve gone ever since rejoining society. You call it a gala cause after the public side of the ranking heros are invited to a sort of maskarade sort of event. Where the last person to be called out won. You dont know what sort of prize youd asume its some sort of donation to a charity or your choice or something. With you duplicate quirk you could use other heros quirks just by simply observing them. Unfortunately the draw back of it is  10-15 minutes before you to duplicate a new set of quirks. You can duplicate up to 4 quirks at a time and switch between them as easy as if you had an inventory. When it came to the ranking though you had no clue if you were even going to be in the top 50. You've been working as hard as you could day in and out as well as you night patrols. You even started hero work and missions with other pros every now and then.

   You phased into the shadows avoiding waking up Sho, and disided you were just going to order breakfast. Well that was your plan when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door. You put on a zip up leaving it unziped and opened the door. "Oh morning Mic is something wrong? Or are you here to see Sho?" you asked greeting Hizashi into the house. "Morning Y/N i wanted to invite you two to breakfast before the Ranking.", "Oh, uh I'll wake up Sho." you offered mic a seat and walked back to the room to wake Sho. "Psst, Sho wake up Mic's here, psst." Sho slowly sat up confused "what? why is he here this early?" Sho softly spoke clearly still tired. "He wants to take us to breakfast before the Gala." Mic peaked in the room waving to Sho. "Let us get ready Mic and well meet you in the kitchen." Sho said rubbing his eyes, Mic nodded closing the door behind him.

You stood Sho up wrapping him up, then having him get some clothes on. He insisted on brushing and doing his hair but you grabbed the brush from him and proceeded to fix up with his hair. You were pretty much ready putting on a brown and black flannel and parting you hair to the side like you use to in your UA days. As you walked out you remembered when people used to call you and the three boys "The Long Hair Squad" and you couldnt help but chuckle a little. "What are you snickering about Crim?" Sho said looking up at you, "Do you both remember when we used to be called the long hair squad in our UA days." all three of you bursted out in laughter remembering the good times.

As you three left the house and entered hizashi's car you couldnt help but notice this he was acting normal again. No longer looking down on you and now treating you like a normal person. Before you had more time to over think things Shouta pulled you out of you thoughts. "Where do you think your ranking Y/N?", "I thought you didnt cafe for the Gala Sho? Weren't you the one that said if you were ever asked to go on stage, you would flat out decline?" You said looking back at him, "I dont care for it, and i will decline, but you've been climbing through the ranks, and people are starting to come up to you in the streets day or night. Hell i remember seeing on the news. Endeavor, and Hawks both said that they're scared if you'll take there spots on the ranks." Aisawa said looking at you then out the window. "Yeah Crim I've seen how you work and if you were in society for the past 6 years i think you could've surpassed your dad." Sho kicked the back of Zashi's seat seeing that, that comment cut you a little bit deeper than you'd like to admit. "What? i did't mean any harm by it, it's true!"

   "Lets just get off this subject, besides i think were here." Hizashi parked the car and you all got out, of course you had to help Sho out but you all made your way into a pretty popular breakfast spot. "Uh, Zashi? Are you sure here is a good place for three pros to have a peaceful breakfast before the gala?" "Are you kidding me im here all the time im basically a regular, trust me no one will bother us." You and Sho looked at eachother hesitantly. "Besides were all in cassual wear we wont be reconized, im sure of it." "Ok, but if one parent comes up to me and tries to sweet talk there kid into a spot in UA im walking out." Sho scoffed as the three of you entered the restaurant.

   As you three finished breakfast, and headed out the building Zashi drive to you and Sho off to the house. you grabed your outfit for the gala and put it in a backpack you'll change after the rankings since the gala part is afterwards, and you have to be wearing a mask to conceal your identity for the "new traning" exercise the government wanted to try out. to be honest, you never really liked the governments ways and how they controlled the hero society, but you had to admit without any kind of order it would be absolute chaos. Sho wasn't gonna be participating and neither it was Hisashi, so Hisashi agreed to go pick up Sho and meet you at the gala. Of course you wanted to participate because you wanted to see if there's any good charities of donate to. you also thought it's a fun challenge to see how these powers you were given, to in an unfortunate matter worked in a more positive matter.

1073 words
Yay finally had the time to finish this chapter! Be prepared as you see where you rank and how far you'll go in this maskarade gala!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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