The Attack

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13 had just finished explaining how the experience mission was going to go when suddenly you saw familiar purple mist. "Kids behind 13! This is not a part of your training this is a attack!" You shouted as you grabbed a long bamboo stick from the decor and molded it into a large combat weapon. The kids did as they were told and 13 prepared themselves for the fight. Keroguri a minion to your former captors predecessor Shigaraki or chapped lips as you used to call him as he walked by your cell. Keroguri was unpredictable at times this time was no different. 13 tried to send 2 students to go get help when all of a sudden the mist surrounded them.

You were ready to attack his weak point when 13 tried to use their quirk on him which resulted in a quick attack and the collapse of 13. You were shocked and as you were about to attack you heard the angry blond yell as he and the red head attacked him. The mist spread and all of the students were gone. You ran towards him but you heard Shouta shout something about more villains entering the ground and some being in the demolition sites. Well at least you knew where the kids were now.

The villains were nothing but D-tier villains which had you thinking what this was all for then you saw him. Tomera Shigaraki, you made eye contact with him or at least you think you did hard to tell with that hand that he calls father on his face. You heard a sound that shook you to your very core a sound you knew all to well. A Nomu a result of a person taking on more than one quirk. Despite what it seems you got lucky being able to take on more than one quirk. To be a Nomu is to be in a constant state of toucher knowing you can never go back and are forced to follow every command of their master. "He can even take Allmights punches!" Tomera exclaimed to Shouta. You were so distracted you didn't hear him command the Nomu to take care of Shouta as he took care of you. As you lunged to help Shouta Tomera did the same and tackled you to the ground pinning you by the neck.

"Gah! Chapped lips get off of me." You as you realized your voice had changed. "Now why would I do that huh? The blood of the number 1 hero in my grips and you think imma just let go?" You knew he resented you because of your father. Hell you agreed with him at some point when he'd rant on and on about how he'd kill your father. You heard a loud crunch and looked over to see Shouta on the floor motionless. "Sho!" You screamed as you fought against Tomera "uh-uh-uh your gonna lay here and die whilst my Nomu kills him" Tomera said slowly placing his last finger on your throat. As quickly as you could with the lack of oxygen you started to regenerate. Tomera had already left you to attack the kids in the lake and as he did nothing happened. Shouta had erased his quirk which also stoped the decay of your throat.

You in a dazed state sit there not being able to move then you hear it. Your father's stupid catchphrase "I am here!"Goodness you'd never thought that you'd feel relived to hear that sentence. Allmight along with all the teachers of UA arrived to the USJ to aid in the fight. "I've brought help!" Shouted the boy who reminded out of ida the class president of your time in UA. You'd have to remember to ask him if his brother was doing alright. As you collected yourself to stand you suddenly caught the Nomu's attention he charged you and drug your corpse like body and threw into the river where the students were. Screaming and gun shots were the last thing you heard as your exhaustion took a hold of you.

730 words
Goodness the amount of times I've gone over this chapter wanting to end is short is mind boggling. I even stoped and changed the tittle of this chapter but I am finally satisfied see y'all next chapter in the hospital byyyyeee!

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