Do I Know You?

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   "Please don't take me back to him I'll do anything you want just please don't take me back to him!" You cried out, "Woah there slow down I'm not taking you to anyone until I know who you are, and why you're running." The man said in a tired voice. You opened your eyes and couldn't believe who you saw. "Shouta?",you asked "Do I know you?" Did he not recognize you but then again you haven't seen him in what has it been 12 years? "Shouta it's me Y/N we went to school together."You said in a shaky voice.

  "Y/N was kidnapped over 12 years ago how do I know it's really you?" So it really has been 12 years? You really couldn't tell you were never able to tell. You were 60 stores underneath an old warehouse. You thought about what would make him think it was really you and then you said "On the night of graduation you were stood up by Hizashi, so I took you to my place and I confess that I loved you." He dropped you from his scarf and looked bewildered. He couldn't believe after 12 years he finally found you. After searching day and night even during his classes he would go and try to find you. Any hints, any signs that you were still alive he would take.

   He never thought you died, hell you were too valuable to kill. But then he looked at you, why were you were a girl? He remembered you as a boy. "If your Y/N are why you a girl? The Y/N I knew was a boy." He said with disbelief in his voice. "It's one of many quirks I have now the quirk's called gender bend I'm able to gender bend anyone I want to including myself. I-I'm forced to stay in this girl form to render my strength."

   "New quirk? You only had one quirk called vampire ghost.", "My kidnapper was All For One, he experimented on me sense I was only one able to hold more than one quirk." You looked back at him and for a split second you thought you saw some emotion. Anger, sadness, or sympathy, you didn't know what it was. But as soon as it appeared it was gone. You turned into a boy and immediately hugged him. You were glad you found someone, anyone who know who you were you were. Glad that you were away from your kidnapper you felt safe, but then you paused.

   "What's wrong?" He asked, " I don't know where to go. I have nowhere my dad doesn't give a flying fuck about me, and my mother died when I was 15. I have no other relatives to stay with, and I don't have any money." You chokes on your words, "Then come home with me, stay at my place until you finally figure out how to get some money, and get yourself a place that you can live in without struggle." You looked at him in shock Shouta Aizawa, THE Shouta Aisawa was offering you a place to stay. This was unlike him he was never this kind he was always in the corner quiet, calculating trying to stay out of anyone's business. So why now why you? You haven't seen him for years he doesn't really know much about you, and neither do you so why is he helping you? "Why are you helping me?", "It's my job as a hero isn't it? To help those in need?" Oh he's just doing it for the whole hero thing...."But that's not my main motivation. I wanna help you because I never got a chance to save you.", "You want to save me? The person that you didn't see as anything more than a competition? You wanna help me just because you didn't save me from my kidnapper? That that doesn't make sense this isn't you. You're not the Shota I remember what happened to you?", " I finally saw the true side of your father, he didn't even try to find you. He didn't show any emotion towards the news that you were kidnapped. Every interview he never mentioned your name, but when the topic of your name came up he simply smiled and said "I'm sorry He's no longer with us, we've tried to find them but were unsuccessful." He didn't even look for you, he just went on with his damn life! I was so mad at him I thought he was supposed to be a symbol piece. The number one hero but it just looks like he's just the number one dick."

   You looked at him in shock you weren't the only one who saw who your father really was. You you weren't alone you weren't going crazy! Oh my god this was amazing you weren't the only one in the world who saw who your father really was. Now that you were free from All for One you can say something about this. You could do something about all of this! You could become a hero and show your dad what a hero truly is. Show him that he didn't deserve his power. "So do you accept my offer or am I gonna see you in the streets tomorrow?" You nodded agreeing to his offer "I can fly us to your place if you want, you look like you've been walking for a while." He nodded and you wrapped your arms around his waist and took off as he told you how to get to his place. You could've sworn that you were going in a circle once or twice. Eventually you got to his house he open the door and the place was a wreck. You looked around and complete in utter disgust. "Damn did someone die?" U joked walking in the door. "Um, my place isn't usually like this Hizashi must have got in." He said in annoyance. You stoped, he was still friends with that egotistical bastard? "Sho? Who's that?"

1070 words
I'm SO SORRY that I haven't been updating this story I've just been having a tough time and haven't gotten the chance to update this story. I will be up dating this story more often and will be starting a Chanel where I will read this story and post more content. Bye me rose pedals!! ❤️

Crimson Eyes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें