ハンター試験パート二 | The Hunter Exam Part 2

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"Exciting," says the old woman at the front.

"Exciting?" Repeats Leorio.

"Exciting," the old woman says once more.

"Exciting..." Leorio trails off, gulping.

"Time for the exciting multiple choice quiz!!" The old lady announces, opening her eyes.

The people dressed up in masks behind her play their instruments, confusing the group.

"Let me take a guess, you four are headed for the cedar on the hill, aren't you? There's only one way to get there

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Let me take a guess, you four are headed for the cedar on the hill, aren't you? There's only one way to get there. You'll have to pass through this town first. You must pass a quiz comprised of a single question," the woman explains.

"Wait a second! What is going on here?!" Leorio shouts.

"You'll have 5 seconds to answer. If you're correct then you can move on. If not, you're disqualified from this year's exam."

"Oh I see, it's another trial we have to pass before taking the exam," Kurapika concludes.

"That's it, huh? Lucky I'm an expert in quizzes. Wait, one question?!" Yells Leorio.

"Your answer must be either the number one or two. Any answer that is not the number one or number two will be deemed incorrect."

"Hold on, all four of us have to share the same question?? So if Kurapika here gets it wrong it means I get disqualified too?!"

"Not very likely. Although if the roles were reversed, it would be all but inevitable," Kurapika speaks, shaking his head.

"You wanna repeat that?!" Leorio seethes.

"It's okay! Even if only one of us knows the answer, all three of us get to move on! Heh, and I'm real bad at quizzes," Gon admits, rubbing the back of his head.


"Fair point."

"Hey hey, hurry it up, or I might answer it before the rest of you get a chance," comes a voice.

"So, who the heck are you?" Leorio asks.

"You don't know? He's been following us pretty closely ever since we left the port!" Gon reveals, (Y/N) nodding in response.


"Yeah sorry kid, didn't mean to eavesdrop. I couldn't help but hear you guys talking."

"What will you do?" Asks the old woman.

"He seems pretty eager to me. Should we let him go first guys? See what kind of question we can expect from them?" Leorio wonders.

"Sure, I'm okay with that!"

"No objections here."


"Let's get to it then," says the boy who had been following them.

Longing Through The Silence [Hunter x Hunter x KNY! Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz