"I ain't afraid of no ghosts."

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🎤sawarasenai🥰kimi wa⛓shoujo👻na💅no?✨böKù🌸Wâ🧚ÿARiçHiñ🤴BįCChī😾ńO😩oSû🚣‍♂️Dà 🎉YO💦

:: uhu let's pretend its still Halloween :)

So this was written over the course of a couple of days and one of those days sucked and i took it out in here, its very obvious when–

Anyway enjoy 😀


Multiverse ---> Halloween Was A Mistake: A Tragic Saga

"That sounds soo promising!" Monoma scoffed sarcastically.

"No don't say that, it has potential." Mina argued back, amplifying her point with jazz hands for some reason.

"This had better be perpetually dark." Tokoyami, aka the birthday bird, said with a stoney face.

"Yes, please provide sustenance for my goth Jesus heart." Dabi nodded.

Kaminari sharply gasped making everyone jump, you could practically see the lightbulb above his head and that was scary, its like when Todoroki comes up with a new theory. "I just had a thought!"

"Thats new."

"Never a good thing."

"CAN YOU STOP BULLYING ME FOR THREE SECONDS AND LET ME SPEAK? MCDAMN GUYS." The blonde sharply exhaled, briefly meditating before continuing. "What do the villains do to celebrate Halloween?"

Dabi hummed while he thought of an answer but before he could speak, Toga chimed in oh so helpfully. "I went of a murder spree!"

"I didn't do anything."

"I went around the neighborhood decaying pumpkin." Shigaraki said with a shit eating grin on his crusty ass face.

Most of the students gasped, horrified. "You really ARE evil."

"Shame on you, dishonor on your cow!"

Aizawa didn't even have the will to try and shut these goblins up, instead he retreated to his sleeping bag to escape to a feline world of dreams~

Although the screen was on, it stayed pitch black, however only the sound of faint footsteps alluded to that. A faint glow emitted from the centre of the screen getting brighter and brighter.

The footsteps picked up, gaining speed until, click, the lights flashed on. Bright white light filling the screen followed by wails of pain and frantic shuffling...

"Waah, this is actually pretty scary!" Mina squealed, a smile pulling at her lips as she clung onto Hakagure.

"Please God." Shigaraki mumbled clasping his hands together in a desperate type of prayer. "Let this be good, maybe even gory. All i ask is something that isn't as cheesey as a damn lasagna."

Sero, who overheard Tomura's pleas, just winced. "Yikes. This is what i imagine a broken man to be like."

"No." Momo grimaced. "Aizawa-sensei is the broken man here, look at how he just gave up and went to sleep. See how Shigaraki still has faith in God? Aizawa-sensei knows God can't save him."

"Nice in depth analysis Yo-mo!" Present mic gave her an eccentric thumbs up which she took with a smile.

"How do we make it up to Aizawa-sensei though?" Uraraka asked.

"We graduate and stay far, far away from him." Todoroki deadpanned, extremely serious.

"Thats fair. Very fair."

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