Chapter 1

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                 So... bad news. My brother is being kept in a cage with someone else. My brother made a friend while he was there, it's the person he's in the cage with. He seems nice. Oh, and it's been a few weeks.
                 Their are masked people hurting him, and his friend. Why are they doing that..? I hate that I can't do much to help him. The most I do is heal any severe wounds him or his friend has. Sighing, I float down to the cage and threw the bars. I sit near the two of them and drift into a sleep like state. And before you say anything like "You're a ghost! Ghosts don't need sleep!" That's a lie! When I use my powers I get tired! So, I have to 'sleep' to bring it back up!
                 Just as I am about to relax, the door to the cage swings open. My eyes snap open, and after they adjust I see some of the creepy men grabbing Ciels friend. I watch helplessly as they bring him to a platform. They chain him up, and that's when I close my eyes. I hear Ciel crying, and yelling. So, I scoot closer to him with my eyes still shut. This goes on for a few minutes until it's suddenly quiet, besides the crying coming from Ciel.
                  All of a sudden, a overwhelming sense of fear envelopes me. Opening my eyes, all I see is complete darkness. This spikes even more fear in me and retreat until I am away from the cage, and the fear loosens it's grip. I hear Ciel talking to someone. Then, just like that the darkness in the room leaves and I see a tall male with red eyes. He is dressed like a butler. The males eyes scales the room before landing on me. Wait! He can see me!? He glares, but then looks at Ciel. Hmph! Just because he scares me doesn't mean I'm gonna leave brother alone!! He'll just have to deal with it!!

                  So, when he leaves with Ciel I follow behind him. I just choose to ignore the burning building behind me. Him   and Ciel have some sort of moment, and Ciel says his name is Sebastian. Wait.... wasn't that our dogs name..?? Big brother is weird. Gaining some courage, I go up to them slowly. The male eyes me suspiciously as I float by him and brother. He decides to say something, I assume it's because he's asleep.

                  "Who are you? And, please explain why you are following the young master." He says. I open my mouth to speak, and a weak "Hi" comes out. I do something like coughing then try again "H-hi! I'm *cough* Kyra. Ciel's little sister!". He nods at this. I notice that Ciel has fresh blood on his face and I get worried. Not so nervous to speak now I ask, "Is Ciel okay? Why does he have blood on his face? Did you do something to him! Will he be okay?" I see a slightly annoyed look on his face, and he gives a short "He's fine." I nod. We keep walking, well Im floating, for a while.
                     We end up at our manor. It's burned down, and looks really really broken. I deflate at the sight and sigh. Sebastian sets Ciel near a tree gently. I float over to him, and sit by him. I should heal some of his wounds. So, I start with his head. I put my hand over his eye and heal it, decreasing any pain he may be feeling. I continue to heal him for a few minutes, and when I look up, Im in shock. It's the house!! It looks the exact same as it did before! I get up and run unnoticeable towards the house. Even the cracks are the same!! I look around in awe of what I see. I faze threw the wall and even the inside is the same!! How did he....
                     Suddenly the door opens, and in comes my brother and Sebastian. I leave them be for a few minutes, and go explore. Everything is the exact same. Even my room! A the only thing it doesn't have is my stuffed bear. I hit it close as I sprint around my room and look at my toys. A smile is on my face and I giggle. I sit in front of my doll house, and place my bear in my lap. I'm able to touch anything if I want to, but I have to think about it to happen. I picked up some of my dolls and played with them for a while until I heard someone walking to my room, so I set them down. Ciel walks in and I see I his breath hitch. He walks over to my bed and sits down. That's when I notice the silent tears streaming down his face, so I quickly float over and hug him. He shivers, and looks around. After some time, he gets up. I follow him, and he goes to where dad's study was. Sebastian was waiting there. Sebastian nods at him, and then when Ciel wasn't looking he nods at me. I smile, and then go and sit on the desk, with a cheeky smile because I would never get away with this if I was alive. Sebastian then starts to give Ciel lessons.
                     The lessons go on for a while, and Ciel eventually gets the hang of it. I notice  a change in Ciels attitude. He's become colder, and more emotionless. The only time he shows any emotion is when he is alone, and in my room. He seems more professional as well. And I've gotten a bit closer to Sebastian. On another note, from what I've been hearing Ciel wants to go visit his grave. That must be weird, to be alive and go to see your grave. A look of realization hit me. IM GONNA BE SEEING MY GRAVE!!  That's gonna be sooooo weird!! Is my body in there? I would think so!


Hi! That's the end of the first chapter! Sorry it is kinda short. I was kinda just trying to get the setup done, so that we can get to the beginning of the series! Other than that, I hope you enjoyed it! What did you think? Did you like it? Was it bad? What should I fix? Have a nice day or night!  Hope whoever is reading this is healthy! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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