Away from Arterium

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"Nobody practices Magick anymore." Eli said. "While I was hiding in Rem Tarrasium, I overheard a few people speak of a village West of Harrasis forest. They called it Lunae something." I wish I could've remembered the name; then perhaps we could find someone in the village to help.
"Well we can't go through Trianna, and the mountain is too dangerous" His mind seemed set on staying away from Magick. Was he afraid? Did he know something I didn't?
I pulled out my map and set it on the table. "Now I believe the village is somewhere in between this unnamed lake and the Alto River. If that's true, we could go around Wolfshine, and go directly down from Herb's Heart Plains. We might as well get some herbs in case of sickness, or if we need them for a potion of some sorts." I was persistent. I didn't want to leave Eli, but I would if necessary.
He sighed. "Very well, we'll do it your way, but we can't tell anyone, they'd never let me out of the castle." I nodded and sat down as the servant came into the large courtyard. "I am truly sorry for the delay; the castle was preparing a feast for the arrival of your betrothed, my Lord"
I shot a questioning glance at Eli, who in turn held up his index finger. "Leave us now, we have much to discuss. If I find that anyone is listening, they will be executed. Do you understand?" The servant flinched at Eli's threat. "Y-yes my Lord, as you wish." And with that, he hurried out, closing the huge double doors behind him.
"Did you need to be so harsh?" I asked. "No one must hear a single word of our conversation. You must know this if we are to be successful." I nodded and, remembering the servant's earlier statement, queried. "Why did he call me 'your betrothed'?"
"Because that is what they believe you are."
"So there may be no suspicion."
"I see."
We feasted that night, me pretending I was Eli's fiancé, and he pretending to be glad he's home. As far as I could tell, none were the wiser.
. . . .
I heard a soft knock on my door. Guided by the full moon's light, I quietly made my way over to the door and whispered, "Hello?"
"It's Eli, open up."
I did as I was told and he walked in quickly. In the soft light of the moon his body was faint, but his eyes shone brightly.
"Are you ready?" He asked telepathically, so any 'strays' who happened to pass by would not hear sounds from inside the room. Nodding, I grabbed my things and went to the window.
We quickly, made our way down to the ground. We snuck over to the stables and retrieved Lucifer. Eli had the horse canter for a few miles to ensure we were out of sight.
"What are the people like in WolfShine?" I whispered, afraid to disturb Nature's silence. "Not sure." Eli replied, keeping his gaze fixed on the trail. "Should we avoid the village?"
"It takes too long to go all the way around."
"What if we need supplies?"
"We won't."
I looked him over, annoyed with his sudden attitude. His hands were tight, eyes fixed, his body slightly stiff. "Eli, what's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since I told you about that dragon I saw." At the word 'dragon', his hand slightly tightened on the reins. I could tell he was frustrated. "I can't tell you, I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous."
"Eli," I thought to him.
He then turned and looked at me, his golden-silver eyes pleading. "Please stop, Lily..." I looked down and gave up on the subject.

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