Chapter 1

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[Location: Winchester, New York]
Charles Xavier's POV:
I was in my office going over some paperwork for my students grades and evaluation of their powers. I looked at a photo of my foster sister and her family and sighed, "It's been four years already. I am so sorry for not being there to help you." I said. The doors to my office opened to reveal my old friend, Logan. "Ah, Logan. What brings you here?" I asked, "Chuck, there's something on my mind. Three years ago, when I was with Stryker, I saw something." Logan said, "What exactly did you see?" I asked, "To be honest, I'm not sure I believe it myself. My memories aren't in the best of shape. But I think it was a mutant that could change their appearance and use multiple powers at once. He called himself, Venom Rider." Logan said. When I heard that name, I recalled a case from downtown about a local crime organization being slaughtered and burned with some of the heads missing as well. "I know of this mutant, but I have been unable to locate him. Is there anything you can tell me about the mutant, anything at all?" I asked, "Yeah, he had red hair and red eyes when he wasn't in that monster form of his." Logan said and I went wide eyed, "Red hair and red eyes? It can't be." I said, "Can't be what Chuck?" Logan asked, I picked up a photo frame and showed him the picture, "Is this the young man you saw?" I asked. Logan looked at the photo and noticed the young man with red hair and red eyes, "That's him, but who is he?" Logan asked. I sighed and looked at the photo, "He was my nephew. The man and woman in the photo were his parents, the woman was my foster sister, she was adopted into my family. She was a mutant with a power similar to you healing factor. She could regenerate her limbs within minutes. But sadly, her powers were lost after she became pregnant with my nephew." I said. "What was the kids name?" Logan asked, "His name was Jake Rose." I said.

[Downtown Winchester]
Jake's POV:
It's been four years since my parents murder and I still haven't found the man who hired the hitman. I was in the gym lifting weights when I sensed someone looking at me, I turned to see a girl with auburn hair and white streaks in her hair. 

I put the weight down and picked up my water and shirt

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I put the weight down and picked up my water and shirt. I walked over to the girl and she saw me and tried to turn away, "Why are you leaving?" I asked, "Sorry, I was just passin by and saw you." She said, "Maybe you should head back home. Let me guess, Professor Xavier's school for the gifted." I said and her eyes went wide, "How did you know?" she asked, "Tell him to stay out of my head." I said as I left the building and went to my bike. "Who are you?" I heard her ask, "Someone whose hunting the scumbags who murdered the Rose family four years ago." I said as I showed her my eyes and they glowed orange briefly. I got on my bike and put on my gloves and helmet, I revved the engine and drove off. 'That was a close one love.' Zara said, 'You're telling us. Although she was rather cute.' Vena said in my head, "Will you two keep it down. I'm trying to think here." I said as I rode my bike down the road. I stopped at a red light and waited for the light to change, while I was waiting, I heard someone scream and turned to see three guys assaulting a young girl. I narrowed my eyes and saw something that ticked me off, one of them had a star on their left hand wrist, the same one that the man who killed my parents had. I revved my bike and rode over to them, when they saw me, I stopped my bike and got off. I took off my helmet and glared at the three young men, "I'll only ask this one time, where is your boss?" I asked as they realized that I was a bounty hunter. They aren't entirely wrong about that, "Please help me." The girl said I saw the bruise on her face and tightened my fists, "Before you answer my question, you need to learn you shouldn't hit anyone, especially a woman." I said as I walked towards them and they used their weapons to try and kill me, but Vena was keeping me safe and healing the wounds instantly. I grabbed one guy and threw him into the wall, the second guy tried to shoot me at point blank, but I moved out of the way and grabbed his arm and broke it with a loud snap being heard. I turned to the last guy and walked over to him, "Now, tell me where your boss is." I said. "He's at a pub a few blocks away from here. Please don't hurt me." He said, "You should have thought of that before you spilled innocent blood." I said as I grabbed his throat and changed into the Rider, 

X-MEN EVOLUTION: OC VENOM RIDER (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now