Best Birthday Ever

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(Jace's POV)

I hardly knew my parents, I was only four when they were killed. All I remember from that know are two loud bangs, and running down stairs to find a man with a large bag and several things missing from my house. Both my parents were on the ground not moving, before I could even move the man was gone and I didn't know what to do. I walked down the rest of the stairs and sat next to my mom and dad crying until the police showed up and the next day I was thrown in an orphanage. When I arrived a nun greeted me outside and escorted me to the other boys that were there, and all of them were furies mostly wolves and a couple of Scaly ones. I was the only human and of course I was much smaller than they were. Other than just being pretty faces and putting on a good show for the inspectors that came very so often the nuns did nothing to help
Any of us there. This meant that we fought for everything wether it was food, water, and even who slept on the floor with no blanket or pillow. If you can't win you get nothing, I hardly ever got food and often drank out the hose in the back and always slept on the floor. I was at the bottom of the totem pole. It was now Friday and I was so excited because tomorrow was my birthday and I was going to wish for someone to adopt me. Ounce the nuns set out our dinner the usual brawl went down, but I learned to stay away because I knew there was nothing I could do. I was so weak and skinny from so long with out much food that I could hardly move sometimes and even hurt to wake up in the morning. So I just curled up and somehow fell asleep. I was soon kicked awake by one of the nuns who told me to follow her. I looked up at her and barely had energy to speak so I kept my mouth shut not that I even talked more than a few words since I've been here. After I got up I followed her into an office where I saw a wolf lady sitting in a chair across the desk(picture at top). " Are you sure you want him," the nun states. "Yes he's perfect thank you" she said with a smile across her face, I could hardly contain my excitement I was actually being adopted and not to mention on my birthday " this day can't get better" I thought. After what seemed like an eternity of paper work the nun looked at the lady " ok that's all Jace is officially your son" she said I wanted to just hug the lady for making my wish come true. I found out her name was Amelia but she said I could call her mom or ms. Amy. I don't quite know what I want to call her yet I think I'll decide later. As we left the orphanage, we got in her car. " You hungry" she looked at me and said, immediately I looked up "absolutely" I almost shouted. We stopped at a restaurant and ate then we were on our way again I have never had so much food and my life and the whole way out I told her thank you. It was almost dark and we had a few casual conversations, until I mentioned it was my birthday and her face lit up with joy. "How old are you" I looked up " 12 I spent 7 years in that orphanage," she looked at me with a saddened look but it quickly changed to a happy one when we pulled up to a gate with a guard with a gun was standing at. She gave him what I'm assuming is her ID, he handed it back and walked in the little building and the gate opened for us to drive through. As we entered we drove for about another minute before we arrived to a rather large hanger. We both climbed out of her car, I just looked in amazement at the building in front of me it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. I turned to her " Are we going in there" I asked. She looked at me " yep since it's your birthday and your 12 your actualy old enough to see your present. Since i didn't really know it was your birthday I hope it's a good enough surprise." I was so happy this day couldn't get better I got adopted and now I'm at one of the coolest places I've ever seen. Although I couldn't help but have questions like why didn't we go to her house or why did she even bring me to this building but I couldn't even think becuse I was so happy about being adopted and not having to fight anymore. She walked up to panel and slid a card and the door started to open. Ounce it opened she motioned me to follow her, we walked into the large hangar and in the back was a large rack with what seemed like a large robot standing by them. I began to wonder what was going on, I looked up at her " what is that, I've never seen a robot like that before" I asked her. She turned around right as we got about four feet from the towering robot, " it's not a robot it's a suit, and to be more specific it's your suit." My mouth literally dropped, I couldn't believe it. For one it was a suit and two she said it was mine, I turned to her " what do you mean it's mine" I asked her. She looked at me " this is your combat frame and armor form now on it will be yours and ounce you link your mind and body with it, he will nevr leave your side." I couldn't help but think this was ridiculous they were giving me a giant suit of armor "but I'm only 12" I practically yelled this at her. She looked at me " exactly for this suit to link they have to be 12 years of age or older but the older the person the more unlikely the suit will reject them." I was in shock she only adopted me to see if I could link with this stupid suit who knows what my life will be like after I link with it like she said and what did she mean when she said it will never leave my side. " so the only reason you adopted me was to link with this stupid suit"! She looked at me with a sad expression on her face and I felt really bad after I said it. She looked at me " no I'm sorry if I made you think that, the truth is I can't have kids never will be able to so that's why I adopted you, and j want to give you this because the line of work I'm in is very dangerous and I want to protect you and also be apart of it because it can be pretty fun and you'll get to do some pretty cool stuff when your older, but for now all I want to do is keep you safe that's why I want you to link with it." She looked at me with a content smile, I felt warm like something inside of me had been filled after so long and I couldn't help but cry after hearing that there's actually someone who cares enough about me to go to this much trouble just to protect me. She saw me start to cry and got worried look, and as soon as she was about to say something I ran up to her and hugged her as right as I could, and after a second she hugged me back. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes " thank you mom" squeaked out to her. When she her me say mom the ears on her head shot up and her tail started wagging , and she hugged me even tighter than that after. "Well what do you say do you want to link with the suit or no, I'm not going to force you if you don't want to." I looked at her " yes I trust you mom" she looked at me with a huge smile on her face, and after that she took out her phone and called someone but I was to busy admiring the suit to tell what she was saying.

" I looked at her " yes I trust you mom" she looked at me with a huge smile on her face, and after that she took out her phone and called someone but I was to busy admiring the suit to tell what she was saying

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