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Wayne's POV
"Aye, Wayne!" Roc bro-hugged me.

"Wazz up, man?" I asked, laughing.

"You know Princeton and Vanessa are making out right now, right?" Roc laughed at my expression.

"Way to go, idiot," RayRay slapped Roc on the arm.

"Yeah man, they also made out in the kitchen and in the Lambo, too," he ratted out.

"You're not helping," Prodigy pointed out while we got in the car. "But he's not wrong, Wayne. I heard Vanessa scream his name." Beauty gave him a stern look.

"Oh my gosh, Prod! Now you're not helping," Beauty slapped him playfully, trying to get him to stop.

When we got home, I hear loud muffled shouts.

"AHHHH, JAACOB!" Vanessa screamed. We crept up to the door and saw Princeton kissing her right under her bra and Vanessa arching her back.

"Damn Prod, why can't you make my scream like that?" Beauty joked in a hushed tone

"Oh I can," Prod replied, smirking.

"Prodigy, you keep yo damn hands off of her or I'll smack you so hard that bleach gonna fall out yo hair," T.I. threatened with a smile. Then Jacob started to suck on Vanessa's upper stomach.

"JAACOB!" she screamed, closing her eyes, arching her back, and digging her nails into his back.

"We should surprise them, " I suggested. "One the count of three, we all jump into the room and yell 'make her tap out!'" I instructed while everyone nodded in agreement. We silently counted down.

"MAKE HER TAP OUT!" Everybody shouted on three. A startled Vanessa and Princeton turned around to us. Then Vanessa's face grew hot and she fumbled to find her shirt.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" she shouted, throwing on her shirt. She better put that shirt on.

"Princeton, Vanessa. Let's have a talk," I suggested, directing my head out the door.

"Aye, bro, you got a couple thousand scratches on you back." Prodigy laughed. Princeton just glared at him icily.

I stood, tapping my feet as an embarrassed Vanessa and a shirtless Princeton filed their way out the door. Dang, the boy did have s lot of scratches on his back. Wonder what would have happened if we hadn't walked in on them.

When we found a quiet room to talk, I closed the door and locked it. "Were you about to have sex?" I interrogated, giving them an unpleased look.

"Nooooo! And you know I can't have babies anymore," Vanessa explained sadly.

"Yeah I know that. I just don't want you to have sex?" I told her, glaring at both Princeton and Vanessa, who hung their heads in shame.

Vanessa's POV

"Yes sir. Can we go now?" I asked Wayne.

"No, not yet." He shook his head.

"Why?" I groaned, standing next to a quiet Princeton.

"Because I have something for you." He pulled something out of his strewn suitcase. There were matching shirts in his hand.

"Awwwww Princey, look! We can match," I squealed, bouncing up and down. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Now, I need all of you to make a trip to the grocery store," he told us,
handing us a grocery list. Then he looked at Princeton. "Of course, after you put on your shirt. And next time, make sure to keep it on."

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