Just One Phone Call

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Princeton's POV

I stepped on the plane with Nicki to Georgia to go surprise Vanessa when my phone began to buzz. "Hello?"

"Hey, Princey. Um, I'm, uh, in jail..." Vanessa stuttered, keeping her voice low. Wait, what?

"What the hell did you do to get into jail?" I whispered furiously, while Nicki tugged on my sleeve to figure out more info.

"Well, I was carrying my Bretta 99 in my waistband and a little kid pulled on my shirt and the gun fell out." Vanessa sighed heavily.

"We'll be there in two hours," I told her and hung up the phone.

 "And how did she get in jail?" Nicki asked, looking very cross while I shrugged my shoulders angrily.

"She didn't do nothing she had her Bretta 99 in her waistband and a kid pulled on her shirt and I barely fell out but someone saw it " I said.

"Why did she have her gun?"

"I don't  know, she probably had it for self-defense. When are y'all gonna tell her who her father is, though?" I looked at Nicki, who had gone silent, deep in thought.

"Soon. Soon," she spoke lowly. We drove in silence until we pulled up to Georgia State Jail. We hurried out the car and into the front building, where a stern police man sat at a desk. The air smelled musty.

"Hello, we're here to bail out Vanessa Cohan." I told the stern looking police officer, who didn't look at me. He filed through some papers and looked up at me.

"The bail amount is $245," he droned, looking very bored.

"Here you go, sir," Nicki pulled out a wad of cash from her purse and handed the police officer the bail amount.

"Please wait." The officer stood up, towering over me by a few inches, and walked off somewhere. Nicki and I waited in silence and about two minutes later, the officer emerged with a tired, tear-stained Vanessa. He dragged her over to us and she hugged me. Nicki tapped on her shoulder and took her by the collar, dragging her out the building without a word.

Adopted By Lauren Cohan Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin