Jumping World

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Vanessa's POV

"Come on guys!  You know I'm not called by that any more," I replied. One time, I was adopted by a family, but they were ashamed that I was black, or 75% black. My mom was mixed and my grandfather was black and so was my daddy.

"But I think Aaliyah is a beautiful name," Wayne argued,with hurt in his eyes. Weird.

"I know. I think I'mma change it back," I told him. He's eyes lit up. What the hell? "Can I borrow your car, Nicki?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. "I need to go see my babies."

Omg that's funny. They're swimming with Tyga. "AHHH!" I screamed. I threw of my necklace and started stripping off my shirt and sweatpants. Everybody looked at me like bish wattt.

"What the hell are you doin?" Twist asked, trying to not look at my boobs.

"Im gonna go swimming with my boizzzz!" I ran to the backyard. "I know you staring at my butt," I joked  to Twist. I quickly pluged in my iPad and started playing my favorite MB song, 'Keep Her On The Low' and ran through the glass door.

"MY BOIZZZ!" I jumped into the pool next to him.

"YO, VANESSA!" they cried, hugging me. "I have an idea," I announced in a loud, dramatic voice.

"Watt, fish?" Princeton said in a sassy voice.

"Let's all go to jumping world!" I hopped out of the pool, knowing my boobs and butt just jiggled.

"My eyes are up here," I told tnem, making them stop looking at my boobs. "Come on, I'm gonna get you go put some clothes on," I said, grabbing a towel.

After changing, I walked downstairs wearing some hot pants, my boondocks shirts, my custom elites  and my wolf grey J's.

"Mikey, can you please take us to jumping world?"

"I'm standing here at the cash money mansion saying goodbye." he said in a Trisha takonowa voice(A/N no idea how to spell it)

"Bye Mikey!" everyone said in sync. When we got inside, I could feel all those stupid teenage boys eyes on me.

"Hey Prince, let's play the pretend boyfriend game," I whispered in his ear. I guess he got message 'cause he put his arm around my waist. Mikey approached us after he was done signing the waver and paying for us.

"I'll pay you back,boo! Bye," I  hugged him.

"Bye! Don't hurt yourself," he called in a Stewie voice making everyone stop and stare at him. We took our sticker that said we stop at 6:00. I saw this one girl staring at Prince. I reached up and kissed him on the cheek.

"What was that for?" he asked, walking over to the cubbies to put our shoes away.

"I don't like it when salty ratchet girls stare at my bgfe," I told, walking up the steps to the trampolines with everyone else. I saw that there was a glass window next to some kids birthday party.

"Ray, will you record me?" I requested, handing him my phone. I started with 8 back hand springs, landing in a back tuck. I did a couple more flips and then I saw a girl with a group. They all looked plastic and they kept staring at us.

"Princey," I whined to him.

"What?" He playfully whinned back.

"They won't stop staring at us!"

"Then let's go talk to them." He practically dragged me all the way over there.

"OMG, hi! My friends and I where wondering why y'all won't stop staring at us!" Prince giggled in a mocking tone.

"I just don't understand why y'all would hang out with such a poor, ugly girl," the blind leader  spat.

"You-" before Princeton could say something in front of all these little kids, I interrupted him.

"Your right, I'm sooo poor," I pulled out my iPhone 6, with a nasty expression on my face.

"Princey, who should I call to take us home? auntie Nicki Minaj, Uncle Drake, uncle Wayne, Tyga, Twist, or Birdman?" I asked, naming off my famous family.

Then I noticed that the blonde leader was wearing a Carl bracelet. Oh if she wanna tango, then let's tango.

"Or maybe I should call my mom, Lauren Cohan, or my boyfriend, Chandler Riggs," I bragged, smirking. She fumed.

"Well, at least my mom and dad didn't kill themselves to get away from me," she spat, evilly grinning. No one talks about my parents. I swung at her face, but luckily the boys were here to keep me from murdering this no good piece of trash. The boys had to drag me out onto the street.

"B-but s-she talked about my parents," I stammered crying into Princetons chest.

"I know, I know, it's ok." He spoke softly, stroking my hair. A couple minutes later, Nicki pulled up in her Lambo.

"Oh baby, it's ok," she said, pulling me in the car.  The ride back was silent, except for my stifled sobbing. When we pulled up, everyone was in the yard with sad looks on their faces. When I got out of the car, I fell into the grass,and curled up into a little, crying ball. I felt two strong arms wrap around my body and pick me up.

"It's ok," Princeton told me, opening my bedroom door and laying me on the bed.

"Princey," I said in a small, raspy voice.

"Yeah?" he asked, whirling back around.

"Stay with me," I insisted,  pulling back some covers. He didn't say anything, but silently got in the bed.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a mess," I apologized, laying my head on his chest.

"No, your not a mess. You're upset and thats its okay. Sometimes, we're all a mess." He wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me closer. But before I drifted off to sleep, I felt Princeton kiss the top of my head.

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