Chapter 13

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Okay guys! Be mad at me! I'm sorry! I've been really busy! I've got a ton of going on and on top of that I've got family drama. Sorry if this chapter sucks. I'm not really in the mood to write.



Chapter 13

Paige's POV

I hear the ringing, waiting on my parents to pick up the phone. Why am I so nervous?! These are the people who raised me, it's not like I'm calling to confess to a murder.

"Hello?" A deep voice answers and I instantly know its my dad. All my fears disappear the moment I heard his voice. I didn't realize how much I missed them. I instantly feel tears form in my eyes once hearing the voice that comforted me whenever I fell or my feelings were hurt.

"Hello? Anyone there?" He sounds annoyed. Oops, I guess I better speak up.

"Hi dad." Jeez I sound so shy. Wait, I am shy. Mason is really changing me. I don't feel like the nerdy weird girl anymore. He makes me feel beautiful.

Ahh!! He is always invading my thoughts. I should be focusing on talking to my dad, not Mason.

"Paige? Is that you?"

I roll my eyes. Silly boy. "Last time I checked I was the only one who called you dad. Unless there are some other kids out there you made without my knowledge."

He lets out a quick laugh. "Hey sweet girl. I miss you so much. It hasn't been the same around here without you."

I start to get angry. How can he miss me when he literally gave me away without a second glance. He freaking sold me. All of my anger towards my parents come rushing back. I grip the phone tightly.

"You don't have a right to say you miss me." I hiss through my teeth. "You are the reason I'm not there. So I don't want to hear you claiming you miss me and that things are not the same. You have no one to blame but yourself." I am shaking at this point.

"Sweetheart, your mother and I never meant to hurt you. We just thought-"

I didn't let him finish. "Never meant to hurt me?! How would you feel if your parents sold you off to some stranger?! Wouldn't you be hurt the tiniest bit? Of course I was hurt you idiot! I felt like my parents hated me and couldn't wait to get rid of me at the first chance they got. I felt stupid and unloved."

I felt the tears pouring out of my eyes. I meant to call and have a peaceful conversation but I think it's better if I get my anger out now. They deserve it.

"Look Paige. You don't understand. We would have NEVER given you away if we didn't trust the person or the reason. We had reasons for our actions and one day you will learn our reason and you won't be so angry."

Reasons? Who does that kind of stuff though?

"Paige, we knew there would be no harm towards you. We knew that you would eventually be happier there with Mason. We would never let anything bad happen to you. We love you."

"How could you possibly know that Mason wasn't crazy? How could you know that I would be happy here?"

"Are you happy?"

I pause for a second to think. Of course in happy. Who in their right mind wouldn't be happy with someone like Mason around? He is so sweet and he brightens my day. I honestly don't think I could get enough of him.

"Yes." I whisper.

"Then that's all that matters. Look I have to go. Please call me soon sweetie. I love you."

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