"Fine." Rachel grumbled. After a minute she was sick of being annoyed and perked up. "My recital is gonna be soon." She said with a grin.

"We know. We can't wait." Emily said.

"You guys are gonna come?" Rachel asked hopefully. "You won't be away for work?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world Rach." JJ promised. She had already told Hotch the date and informed him that Emily and JJ would both be sick that day. He agreed knowing how important it was to Rachel. The trio went inside and Rachel ran upstairs to change out of her leotard and tights. Hotch was coming over to pick up Rachel so she and Jack could play and JJ and Emily could have a date night. JJ grinned as Rachel ran downstairs with her curly hair flying. "Baby, come here." She said. Rachel ran over and JJ lifted her up onto her lap and began brushing out Rachel's hair. Her curls tangled together and she kicked her legs back and forth impatiently. "Rach, you be good and listen to Hotch okay? Whatever he says goes, no complaints."

"I know."


"I promise Momma."

"Thank you. Want braids?" JJ asked. Rachel nodded her head vigorously and JJ began to separate her hair.

The doorbell rang and Emily headed over to greet Hotch and Jack. "Hey guys." She said with a bright smile. "Come on in, she's almost ready." Emily said, stepping back a little. Jack ran past Emily with a wave and stood next to JJ while she finished braiding Rachel's hair. The two of them already conspiring. Emily could see JJ shooting down ideas as fast as they came up with them. "Thanks for taking her Hotch."

"No problem, do you think you could take him maybe Friday next week?"

"Hot date?" Emily teased. Hotch gave her a shy smile and she grinned. "Wait? Seriously? That Beth girl?" Emily laughed as Hotch kicked his foot out embarrassed. "Good for you Hotch." She said sincerely. "We'd love to have him."

"Thanks." He mumbled. Emily could tell dating was embarrassing for him. From what she knew, he and Haley had met in high school. She was pretty sure he'd never dated anyone else. Jack and Rachel ran over, ready to go. "Hey guys, go climb in." Hotch said, following close behind them.

"We'll pick her up at like ten? Is that okay?" JJ asked, handing Rachel's backpack with her pjs in them.

"Ten sounds fine. Take longer if you want, have a good night ladies." Hotch gave the women a wave and quickly headed to the car. Jack was buckling Rachel into his old car seat, much to her annoyance.

JJ wrapped her arms around Emily as she closed the door. "Its only 5:30." She whispered as she began kissing Emily's neck. "Our dinner reservations aren't until eight." JJ bit Emily's earlobe and the brunette moaned. "We have the entire house to ourselves." JJ said. Emily grinned and pulled JJ upstairs with a laugh.

"It is not chivalry." Rachel growled for the third time.

"It is too! Right Daddy? I'm keeping her safe by letting her use my car seat. That's being chvil-russ."

"Chivalrous." Rachel corrected him. "You say it, chivalrous. And no you aren't you're just trying to get out of sitting in it yourself."

"I think he's just trying to be nice Rachel." Hotch offered from the front seat.

"I think he's being a butthead. I'm a modern woman, I don't need chivalry." Rachel said proudly. Jack looked confused but Hotch burst out laughing.

"Who...who told you that?" He asked, trying to contain himself.

"Aunt Pen." Rachel said with a shrug.

"Of course." Hotch mumbled. "We're here, everybody out."

Rachel and Jack ran inside and straight up to Jack's room. Hotch went into the kitchen, got himself a glass of water, and decided to try and get some work done while they were busy. Hopefully, since Rachel was here, she would distract Jack long enough for Hotch to get all his paperwork done for the whole weekend. For fifteen minutes it went well, then he heard a large crash. Worried, Hotch ran upstairs and into Jack's room. Rachel and Jack were staring in horror at the lamp that was now broken in the middle of Jack's floor.

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