Chapter 30

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Emily woke up feeling like she had barely slept at all. She'd had nightmares like never before. It had been all of her horrors combined into one. Doyle, Frankie escaping and hurting Rachel, JJ bloody and on the ground, Rachel crying over her body for hours, and all of it Emily unable to stop. She woke up multiple times, thankfully, JJ remained asleep. Probably more to do with the pain medication and being exhausted than anything else. She felt something move and rolled her head to the side, met with a smiling JJ. "Hey." The blonde whispered softly. Her hand gripped Emily's. Emily quickly took in the blonde's appearance, she looked more rested than she had a few hours ago, but her face definitely showed signs of pain. She was clearly trying to cover up the fact.

"I'm getting you more pain medication." Emily said immediately.

"No." JJ pulled Emily's arm and refused to let her get up. They were alone in the room, Emily didn't know – or really care at the moment – where Morgan and Reid had gone. "I'm okay." She insisted.

"No you're not." Emily sat up and walked out of the room, finding a nurse and letting her know. As she headed back into the room, she was met with a death glare from her wife. "JJ, you have to take the meds, you had surgery, you were stabbed, you need to get better."

"I will. But you can't treat me like a baby."

"I can too." Emily pouted. JJ just laughed, then cringed and clutched her stomach. "Shit! Jen!" Emily ran over and rubbed her back, looking up gratefully as a nurse walked in and gave her some new medication. "You've got to be careful."

"You made me laugh!" JJ chastised.

Emily grinned sheepishly. "Sorry."

The nurse left and JJ smirked at Emily. "Come here." She ordered. Emily raised her eyebrows in confusion and JJ pulled her forward. "This bed is big enough for both of us." Emily hesitated, afraid she would hurt JJ. The blonde frowned at her. "Em, please?" She asked in a small voice. "Just stay on my right side." Emily moved over and very gingerly crawled onto the right side of the hospital bed. Truthfully, all she had wanted to do since JJ got hurt the day before was hold her. JJ happily pressed her body into Emily's and sighed. "I love you." She whispered.

"I know." Emily laughed.

"Just making sure. Are you okay?"

"Jen, you're the one who just got out of surgery. Why are you asking about me?"

"Because somehow, you look more tired than I do. I heard you having nightmares. I'm okay."

Emily sighed. "I know its really scared me."

"I know the feeling Em." JJ whispered. "If you do recall, I had to watch as you went into a murder's house alone, only for you to get hit in the head with a two by four, listen in while you were beat up by a cult leader, know you were being tortured by an irish mobster, watch you literally die, see you so broken it killed me and then tell everyone I loved that you were actually dead. In this situation, I win."

"Win? This is a winning situation?" Emily scoffed.

"Not really." JJ laughed. "But you know what I mean."

"So because you've gone through this before I can't be worried?"

"No, of course not. I just know what you're feeling is all. Don't bottle it up, if I see you compartmentalizing, I reserve the right to punch you."

"Fair enough." Emily laughed. The two of them remained silent, holding each other until they fell back asleep.

"Do you see them?" Morgan asked Reid as he took a huge bite of a taco.

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