Fox children

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Info on the story:
Makomo is 13 here, I wanted to make Makomo a little of a rebel, so she escaped to the final selection as soon as she had cut the rock, even tough Urokodaki san told her not to.

Also for this, both Makomo and Giyuu faked their age.
For Giyuu it was a little harder since she didn't look like she was 14, but a small show in her skill helped.
Now onto the story.

Giyuu is 12 now, right the day she started the final selection.


Nighmares, for 2 entire months after the dream. Giyuu had seen her fair share of nighmares from Sabito being decapitated before waking up.

Not even mencioning how many more nightmares brought the death of the others. It was clear that she not only needed more than 3 years to train but two more years to recover mentally from all the memories.

Everyone was important for her, they truly where, but that gruesome memory appeared every week, almost every day, as if it was a warning of sorts.

So when she saw Makomo almost getting killed by the hand demon, something was triggered.

Everything that came after this felt like a blurry vision as her body began to move on her own. Dodging every arm as if it was second nature, but only for a moment as she went on a full panic at the sight of Makomo starting to loose her stance against the enemy. One of the arms getting ready to grab her leg. She sprinted as fast as she could leaving her guard down.

Somehow Makomo was faster and was able to dodge just fine, but now ever step was filled with raw emotion.

"Makomo! Control your-- aghk--"
Giyuu looked over her right arm to find a large cut that extended from the shoulder to the elbow. Luckily it wasn't as deep as it looked, yet it still hurt just enough for her to slow down.

"I can't loose her ....something, anything..." her eyes wondered to the trees around her.

The sound of a sword breaking made her look back at the fight as four arms reached for every limb of the surprised Makomo.

She ran to her using the total concentration technique, grabbing the broken part of the Katana from the sky and gripping it until blood dripped from her hand, it was enough for the next move.

"Eleventh form, dead calm."

All of the incoming arms had suddently ceased or been cut off as they banished. It wasn't as quick as she imagined it, neither did stop all of the attacks beforehand so she had to run now.

"What the-- YOU!!"

Giyuu had grabbed Makomo once she ran past the hand demon, who was still surprised at the new technique, soon both of them where hidding in the trees.

That was too dangerous.
I know how you feel, it is horrible to think of how many children he has eaten.
I hate him just as much as you do, maybe even more.
I'm sorry I should have brought at least an axe.
Please calm down Makomo....please..
You can't win this with emotion alone, none of us can.

She wants to say say the past of how many kids were bound to be killed later. She had hoped that maybe once she meets Sabito and helps him train, maybe then will he be able to kill the hand demon.
Life doesn't get planned out that way.

"Makomo, we can't attack him now... Are you okay?"

The older girl hadn't said anything for a while, trying to control her emotions and fears after almost dying over there.

"...Alright... " Her voice was so low she almost couldn't hear it.

"Let's treat the wounds, the sun is" Just the one thing Giyuu had never been good at, comforting .No matter how many lives, she couldn't even comfort her own sadness.

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