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Around 3 months had come and gone, Giyuu had begun to help around the place more and more, she tried her best to study from borrowed books of her newfound family while also learning to do the chores Kie told her to do, like clean, sew and cook.

At first she didn't know how to call her new parents, would father and mother do? Should she just call their first names? She never once had a parental figure apart from her sister, and since she loved her sister a lot, she didn't care as much about having a bigger family.

"You can call me to whatever makes you feel comfortable Giyuu, alright?" Kie put on her usual smile which she returned with happiness.

After 2 months, she decided that it was time to try those words she knew but never had the chance to say them.
"Okaasan,  Otou-San. " Her voice felt shy once she had said it but over the next month the shyness had calmed down a little.


A crack was heard as the plate shattered into pieces, the little girl's eyes widen, she ran out of her room from where she had been promptly cleaning to the main part of the house.

She saw Kie struggling to lift herself up as her Granny was carrying the little baby Tanjiro with worries.
"Girly come here and help me, she's about to give birth."

Giyuu used to help her sister in the village from time to time when a baby was about to be born. But not once had she entered the room, except now it seemed. Tanjuro's mother had told her to bring a hand full of materials as she tried to calm Kie down. The Grandma handed a sleeping Tanjiro to Giyuu as she moved quickly to set the baby in a room where the sound wouldn't reach as much.

Giyuu soon arrived with the stuff and Granny pulled her close with a serious expression.

"Alright Giyuu, I am very old so I will need your help as much as I can, will you be able to do as I say?"

She hesitated for a moment, as she found herself searching for an approval from someone else. It was such a special moment for a certain woman when she's about to give birth.

And Kie noticed that from the worried look in her eyes. So she proceded to weakly tug the little girl's red and black patterned haori for attention.

As soon as Giyuu looked at her, Kie tried her best to give a smile.

"I'll do it, I'll help."


After hours had passed, the sound of the baby's cries where heard for the first time.

Giyuu was trying her best to calm down the newborn, holding her close while cleaning the baby as the elder woman oversaw the actions

Soon the baby was put to sleep by the old grandma.


3 days after that Tanjuro had come back from his outside work, and to Giyuu's surprise, the man's forehead now had a different mark istead of the same one.

Giyuu headed down to greet him as usual but something in her stomach made her stop. Everything started to become a blurr before suddently turning into black as the last thing she saw was Tanjuro trying to catch her as soon as possible.

Just then a dream had started.

She was with a boy with an untamed peach hair and a scar on his cheek, smiling before running away to face a demon, much much bigger than the one her sister had died from.

As soon as the boy had his head smashed tears had started to come out of Giyuu's eyes, blinding her as she moved on to the next place.

The snowy mountains that surrounded her homes. Her face paled at the sight.

A New BeginningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ