053 | friend in need

Start from the beginning

"Did you see the squid?!" a first year girl piped up, gripping the edge of her skirt in tight fists.

Albany paused thoughtfully. "Yeah," she answered after some contemplation. "He was huge. Tried to eat me alive, but I fought him off."

"No way, that's so cool!"

"I told you she wasn't evil!" Colin yelled triumphantly, turning on the rest of the group that had gathered around her armchair. "I told you!"

Albany wasn't sure whether to laugh or frown at the remark, and opted for a neutral expression instead. Way too much had happened today for the concerns of first years on her moral stance to be an issue.

"Tired?" Carly murmured, leaning down to her ear from behind the armchair.

Albany smiled, nodding, and Carly shooed off the younger students, clapping her hands. "Come on, guys, let's give Albany some space. There's more sweets from the kitchen being brought up!"

"Is there?"

Carly nodded enthusiastically, and the younger students scattered. Albany breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back into the plush armchair as Carly seated herself opposite her.

"Thanks, Carly," she murmured gratefully.

"De rien," Carly responded with a grin. "You looked like you needed the space."

"Oh I did," Albany assured her, sitting up straight again with a grin. She took a bottle of firewhisky from Ginny as the girl passed by with several in hand, smiling appreciatively before taking a swig. The fizz on the back of her tongue was a fiery relief.

"How do you feel?" Carly inquired curiously.

Albany took another sip of her drink as she pondered the question. Truth be told, her mind was still spinning. She needed desperately to talk to Merlin, she was on edge thanks to Faith, she had nearly died only hours ago and....

Her eyes strayed to where George was sitting on a table in the centre of the room next to his twin, laughing and smiling as Lee was telling a story with grand gestures. As if on instinct, George's gaze drifted across the room to meet hers, and he smiled. Albany, choking on her drink, hastily glanced away again.

And there was that.

"Albany Bronwen, I'm absolutely mad for you, you know that?"

"How are you and Hermione?" she asked suddenly, her cheeks burning crimson.

Carly's lips twitched, the smile on her face slowly falling. "Well, um..." she began, tugging at a loose curl. "She came out of the lake with Krum, and... now they're talking again. I don't want to..." she trailed off again nervously. "I'm worried I annoyed her sometimes, when we would study together. Too loud...."

Albany's heart sank watching the girl grow sullen, and she reached across the space between them to give her hand a squeeze. "I'm sorry, Carly," she murmured, anxiously scraping together words of comfort. "Forget I asked. And um... if she did find you annoying — not that she did, I don't know how anyone could — but, well, you deserve a lot better than that."

Carly gave a small smile, and Albany breathed relief. "Thank you," she said. "Though I would very much like to stay friends with her, if she would have me."

"I'm sure she would," Albany said, smiling. "How couldn't she? Just look at you!"

Carly grinned, and then her gaze drifted thoughtfully. "How does it feel?" she asked, and before Albany could voice her confusion, she continued. "You and George?"

The question left Albany severely unbalanced, and she gripped the arm of the chair she was sat in as her mind spiralled. "I — um — what do you mean?" she stammered, forcing herself not to glance back to the Weasley in question.

Carly's face fell. "I shouldn't have said anything," she amended quickly. "Sorry for prying. I just assumed...."

"It's okay," Albany said quickly, not wanting to upset Carly any further. She took a shaky breath, palms suddenly clammy, and then another sip of her firewhisky. "Um... I guess I just... have a hard time wrapping my head around it."

Carly nodded, listening kindly. Albany took another breath, refraining from biting her cheek.

"I guess... it surprised me. And I know it shouldn't," she added quickly, gaze downcast as blood rushed to her cheeks. "Because... y'know, the way we've been the past few weeks... I dunno where else it would have headed. But now it's real, and I just...." The right words were lost on her. She shook her head, sparing a glance at George across the room. He was laughing again, and her heart did a loop in her chest — Merlin, how could it be real? How did George Weasley like her... like that?

"The commitment is scary?" Carly guessed, eyebrows knitting together in thought.

Albany shrugged, too embarrassed to meet her gaze. "I dunno... maybe. I think it's more... I dunno." She sighed, fingers brushing against the charm around her neck. "What if I don't meet all his expectations? What if... if we do go for this, and then he changes his mind? I dunno if I could...." She swallowed hard. What if he's not my soulmate?

"Albany," Carly murmured, the most subtle hint of humour playing on her tone, "you already have met all his expectations. That's why he loves you... for you."

Albany physically flinched, her heart skipping a beat in her chest as her head snapped up again. "Fuck, Carly, don't use that word!"

Carly grinned mischievously. "What? Love?"

"It's not that serious!" Albany cried, flinging her arms dramatically before downing the rest of the bottle's contents.

"...Yet," Carly giggled, unfazed by the glare she received. She grinned at her friend. "I think you should talk to him."

Albany gaped at her. "About that? I think I'd rather face the grindylows again."

Carly laughed. "Very dramatic," she remarked. "You're making it worse than it really is. George is very understanding. If you explain how you're feeling, I think it will reassure both of you, and then you can work it out together." In Albany's contemplative silence, she offered a more genuine smile. "He's freaking out just as much as you are, by the way. And I'm not sure how great Fred is at giving advice."

Albany cracked a grin. "If it's anywhere near as good as his pep talks, George is in trouble."

Carly giggled. "Talk to him," she insisted. "For everyone's sakes. We're all very invested in you two. No pressure."

"Thanks, Carly," Albany said with a weary laugh. She glanced absently around the party, eyes landing on a familiar old ghost who smiled kindly in return.

I need to talk to a lot of people.


❃ a/n:

219k reads and 11k votes y'all reallyyy tryna make me cry okay i see you—

on a real note, from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3 i never even imagined getting this far and it's absolutely mind-blowing. this story has such a huge place in my heart and i couldn't have brought it to life without every one of you — thank you so, so much <3

also fun fact exactly one person in the comments has guessed the true ending to this book and i don't think even they realised it lmaooo


- A x

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