005 | camelot dreams

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FAITH'S MOUSTACHE TOOK ITS TIME TO go away completely. It meant that the girls spent their afternoon in the dormitory, Faith muttering curses while Albany resumed her work with extra motivation.

She scrapped ideas, brainstormed new ones, and by the time the bushy red hairs had finished falling out of Faith's face, she was quite proud of her completed plan.

She just needed materials.

"I'm heading to Hogsmeade tomorrow," she spoke up.

Faith returned from the bathroom, face visibly shining after numerous layers of moisturiser had been applied. "What?"

"Hogsmeade," Albany repeated, glancing at her friend. "It's a bit too late to go today, but I need a few things."

"Oh?" Faith said, intrigued. "This prank better be good. You've been at it all day."

"You wouldn't let me leave you alone all day."

"I need emotional support right now!"

Albany chuckled. "You wanna come with?"

Faith was rubbing circular motions on her face in an attempt to spread out the moisturiser. "I would, but if you're going to be there all day I better not. I've got Arithmancy first thing Monday and a crazy amount of homework that I haven't started."

Albany made a face. She found her own classes difficult enough as it was, but Arithmancy sounded horrible. Magic and numbers did not mix well with her.

"That's alright," she assured the girl. "I should be able to manage by myself. I know what I'm looking for."

Faith raised an eyebrow and smiled. "I'm excited."

"You should be."

Albany herself was nearly buzzing in anticipation of the revenge prank, delighted with what she'd come up with. She spent the rest of the evening envisioning the Weasley twins' annoying faces when they realised they'd been outsmarted, and had a dreamy smirk permanently engraved on her face all the way through dinner and until bed. It felt very unlike herself to be so adventurous by doing something like this, but she hadn't had so much fun in years. Her usual school life consisted of struggling through class, groaning through study, listening to Faith's gossip and lots and lots of coffee. This was new... and it was exciting.

As she tucked herself under the weighted covers of her four-poster bed that night, she fell asleep still wrapped in thoughts of what was to come. Her smile never left as she drifted off, nearly hoping for the twins to appear in her dreams.

Surprisingly, they didn't feature at all. Her dreams were, however, extremely vivid, and unlike any she'd had before.

Albany was in a magnificent white stone castle, donning a cream and purple cotton dress that looked like something from the medieval ages. She walked the hallways of the castle with grace and elegance she couldn't begin to hope for in the waking world, her hair neater than it had ever been as it fell in waves down her back. Torchlight was the only reason she was able to see her way around; the narrow windows of the castle gave her brief views of a pitch black sky as she strolled past them.

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