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I was walking towards the training room. The sun was shining through the windows onto my face. Today was a sad day, NOT a happy day so the sun shouldn't be out. Today was the day I have to train with a weapon, yay, can you sense the sarcasm in the word. I hated training because it always reminded me that I suck with a sword. Whenever I think about it it's surprising, my bookish older brother is the one who wields the sword and the badass (me) can read hieroglyphics. Should be the opposite no?

Anyway back to the story. I was walking through the door when my brother said "you're late Sadie". No shit I'm late, I'm only on time for things I like. I of course didn't say that but now I low-key wish I had. I picked up this weird looking sword thing that was some sort of Egyptian weapon. Anyway, the moment I picked it up I got a "you're holding it wrong" from my lovely brother Carter. Moving on I suck at this and Carter beat me in like 10 seconds but hey longer than last time. Afterward, I was feeling a little down, which I would never admit. I mean if you know my brother and me, you know that he's a complete nerd always reading up on his Egyptian mythology always knowing how to fight a specific god based on how they were beaten like a million years ago. Honestly, and then there's me I'm this badass girl with blonde hair with pink highlights, who always wears leather and doesn't take shit from anyone. Yet somehow I end up with the skill of spells and being able to read in Egyptian. My attention span is so short I barely had enough to read a page of my favorite book let alone a million-year-old script in a dead language.

Anyway, I was walking down the hall to Walt (my boyfriend). We hadn't been hanging out as often since he became one with Anubis. It's awkward having both my crushes for different reasons in the same body. We had been getting better, it's not like we're on a break or anything we're still together. I'm just going over to see if he wants to go hang out. I was right at his door and I barged in I'm Sadie Kane I don't need an invite into anywhere. What I found there shocked me it was MY bOyFrIeNd making out with our best healer Jazz. Honestly, I felt my eyes get damp what the hell. I don't cry not over some bitches, so I said "You know if you wanted Jazz you could have said so". Walt and Jazz immediately jump away from each other. Walt then said "Sadie it's not what it looks like" I laughed unamused "Then please tell me what is actually going on because it looks to me like you're cheating on me with one of my closest friends, well not ex-friends. But you know what you deserve each other, you're both bitches."

I left the room with tears coming down my face. So I decided you know what let's get out of here. I thought of a place that my uncle Amos had told me never to go, Long Island. I created the portal and jumped through. I appeared in the middle of a forest, with tall trees you know what I don't need to describe it in detail, it was a forest. Boom done, I started walking through not understanding why I wasn't allowed to be here It looked to be a normal forest. I should have knocked on wood.  A large black dog came out of the brush, at first I thought it was a normal dog then I realized it had deadly sharp teeth and blood-red eyes. 

First thought: Pet it, its so cute

Second thought: Run

Third thought: Ha-di

Fourth thought: Ha take that bitch

After I blasted it into the tree and knocked it out I ran. In case you know it came back and tried to eat me again. I ended up running straight through what I have now learned is called Thalia's magical barrier.  When I ran through this camp appeared out of nowhere at first I thought giant portal then I realized I had just run through a disappearing barrier. I ran through the camp seeing some people practicing with swords and my immediate thought was are there other magicians that we didn't know existed. But then I saw someone reading a greek book and I realized. Oh Shit. I was in a Greek camp, filled with demi-gods. Being the smart person I am, I walked straight up to the blonde with the book and said "where the hell am I". She looked up from her book, "bother someone else", I glared at her and walked away "newbie" I heard her scoff as I walked away.

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