Chapter 39

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Hello Readers,
this is the author here and if you happen to be a returning reader then hopefully you care for this authors note/intro and if not then that's okay too :)

this note is basically me saying thank you for sticking around for so long (since as some of you may know this story has being going on for a long time) and if you're a new reader, thank you for reaching up to this point, it means a lot to me to know that my writing has been able to captivate you in some way or another.

this note is also an apology too. i know i'm not the first nor last writer on this site to have long delays between chapters or to take forever in finishing a story but i just never anticipated to join the group (not that there's anything wrong with said group). I hope this comes across as an explanation instead of an excuse but from real life situations, mental health, and then the pandemic, a lot of outside factors have come in between me and this story to the point where i even lost where i was going with the plot for a long while.

at first I was just going to force the ending to come and lazily tie up any lose ends just for the sake of finally finishing this story, and then i thought of just unpublishing this story and pretending it never existed for the sake of my pride, but then I realized it wouldn't be fair to the few that actually are putting up with the waits and voting and leaving encouraging comments and such, so i decided to just continue the story but to just go with whatever feels natural for me as a writer (in this case writing a bunch of chapters and releasing them all in one go).

i'll take this whole situation with this story as a learning opportunity and hopefully once this is (eventually) finished, i'll handle my other works with more grace.

thank you if you read all this and enjoy this very unfinished chapter.



Chapter 39:

The candles eventually die out and I'm left in the darkness. At first I was afraid but then I began to feel comfortable in the dark, that way I can just pretend I'm somewhere else instead of being trapped in a room.

Too much time has passed. Something must have happened by now. If anything, I wonder if anything happened to the prince. I just hope he's okay.

I hug my knees. I sit nearby the door, facing it incase it opens at any time. Not a single sound has come from the other side.

Part of me wonders... maybe he's the one who left. No, then why would he have me locked in? He said he wanted to be together... what if... no- I don't know anymore.

A growl rumbles through the room. I'm hungry.

Time passes a bit more and I consider going back to sleep until I finally hear the door unlock.

A bright light blinds me for a moment but I still force my eyes to see who it is and it's him.

"Mary," he almost sounds sorry, "why aren't you on the bed?"

I say nothing. What can I say? Where do I even begin?

"What happened?" Is the first question that comes out of me. I begin to stand and he offers his hand to help me, but I ignore it.

"I... fixed everything." He says.

"What?" I tried to read his face but he's expressionless.

"Mary, a lot happened just now. I just want you to trust me on this, let's go to bed and you'll know everything in the morning." I look down. I feel like I was scolded in a way.

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