~with Natalie and Harry~

Natalie did manage to find the painting of her Grandad what was moved. Natalie didn't talk, she just looked at the paining and just thought.
"you ok" Harry said walking up the hall.
"oh hi harry, ye I'm ok just thinking" Natalie said looking back at the painting.
"He looks like a nice man" Harry mentioned, Natalie just nodded in agreement.
"looking at him puts the thought of my Grandfather in the back of my mind" Natalie said letting out a sigh.
"still thinking about what tom said" Harry asked, Natalie just looked at harry rubbed her face.
"yes" Natalie finally let out.
"you can't change what your Grandfather did, all you need to do id focus on you and what you want" Harry said putting his hand on her shoulder.
"I know that in my head harry, but my heart says different, that nature is apart of Me, you seen how I was with lock-heart" Natalie let out leaning on the wall.
"thing is you used that nature in a different way, think about it" Harry said.
"what do you mean" Natalie asked,
"you never did that to me or myrtle, just lock-heart, if you were like your grandfather you would do it to everyone, you were put into Hufflepuff for a reason nat" Harry reminded Natalie.
Natalie just looked at harry and from the corner of her eye she could see Amelia talking to Draco, all Natalie could do was let out a small smile.
"I guess one this is different" Natalie mentioned.
" And that is" Harry asked.
" I have amazing friends to back me up" Natalie said giving harry a hug.
"thanks" Natalie said in the hug.
"what are friends for" Harry said , Harry eventually left and Natalie looked back at the painting again.

"wish you were here to see all this" Natalie said to the painting turning around to look where she now seen Amelia dragging Draco over.
"hey you two, nice to see you getting along" Natalie said between laughing.
"I know we are best pals now tell her Draco" Amelia said pushing Draco into Natalie and walking off.
"you ok" Natalie said helping Draco up.
"she stronger than she looks" Draco said rubbing his shoulder.
Natalie just laughed while Draco puffed out his cheeks and went to sit on the top step.
"I seen you two earlier, hiding from harry" Natalie said leaning on the wall.
"no I was not hiding I was giving you two space" Draco said looking away.
"ok Amelia told you to" Natalie said sitting next to Draco as he looked at Natalie offended.
"what am I wrong" Natalie said, "No" Draco said looking away.
"I am glad though" "Seeing you get along with some of my pals at least" Natalie said.
"Its only fair I guess" Draco mumbled.
"I know some of my pals can be a bit much to handle but I can see you and Amelia being good friends and obviously Nicole as well" Natalie admits.
Draco let out a sigh, "its nice but strange at the same time" Draco said.
"you will get used to it, if you can Handle me then you will be just fine" Natalie said nudging Draco a bit.
"ye you can be a pain" Draco says making Natalie do a fake shock.
"how dare you sir" Natalie says laughing.
"oh and Amelia wanted me to give you this" Draco said handing you a small object to play music on.
"she said you use it to calm down" Draco said.
"It does from time to time" Natalie says with a warm smile.
"what to hear one" Natalie asked,
"I know I have no choice, is it the same as the one at your grandparents" Draco asked.
"no don't worry" Natalie says putting it on low so no one could hear It but them.
Draco just watched Natalie bobbing her head to the music, he looked over to see Amelia with her thumbs up and smirking, he knew what she was up to. Draco just shook his head "Friends" Draco mouthed to Amelia. Amelia just rolled her eyes and left. Draco was glad to see Natalie back to her usual self in some way. Draco didn't understand what it was about her that made him think different compared to him being around Amelia, Nicole or any other student, but at the moment he did mind, he just smiled as Natalie sang some of the words and dancing around like an idiot.
"Whats the song called" Draco asked.
"Its called Blue by a band called Eiffel 65" Natalie said laughing.
"muggle music is weird" Draco said when it got to the Chorus.
"I know but it is funny" Natalie said.
Draco just face palmed when Natalie got too into the music. At this point she was jumping around and pointing to Draco as she sang some of the lyrics.
"Nat people will see you" Draco reminded Natalie. Natalie stopped to look around and she seen on the the professors, Natalie just waved and walked to Draco who was laughing like mad.
"your face" Draco said between laughs,
"Not that funny" Natalie said hiding her face that was fully red, Draco just gave Natalie a side hug.
"chill at least it was not a student" Draco said, Natalie just nodded and got back up.
"like the performance" Draco says looking at Ronald Smiths painting.
"He would have danced along" Natalie said walking off.
"Seriously" Draco said catching up with Natalie.
Natalie burst out laughing and decided to tell Draco all she remembered about her Grandad.

Natalie managed to put the bad thoughts in the back of her mind and just hangs fun with her friends, She was glad to see Draco open up a bit more around her and some of her friends, she knew Draco and harry would never fully get along but this was better than nothing at all. she saved Draco ears from more muggle music and left it till she was with Amelia and the others.
Natalie was doing just fine walking around with her friends having fun till she looked up one of the Stairs to see a too familiar face looking right back at her.

Natalie Davis and The Hidden Secret [ Year 2 ] [ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now