Chapter 12: Wilfred Mandos of The Empire

Start from the beginning

"I heard you left the palace this morning!" Aldus blurted. "If you are out of Emma's room, then business must be back to normal!"

Wilfred looked long at them as they approached. "The world does not stop for a man's tragedy, I am afraid." He said dismissively to Aldus. He then nodded towards Victoria. "Forgive me, your highness. I have to be on my way."

"Wilfred! Stop!" Victoria shouted as Wilfred walked away.

"Yes!" Wilfred snapped as he turned around. "I do not wish to be impolite, but I have urgent matters to attend to!"

"No harm, I will swing by you later." Aldus said. "I will pass you by the Medicane's quarters later!"

"Is it a matter concerning Emma?" Victoria asks at the same time as Aldus. "Here, some herbs from Morgsdale, they say to have healing powers."

Wilfred accepted the herbs with hesitation.

"Or I can give it to her myself!" Victoria insisted.

Wilfred tried his best to hide his despise towards them. Exhausted as he was, it was a tiresome task. "She needs peace and quiet! She had too many visitors of late!"

"Yes, forgive me Wilfred." Victoria apologised. "Any news from the Medicanes?"

Wilfred did not answer. He didn't want to share any details regarding Emma's health. He felt some suspicious feeling ever since Emma fell into a coma. Something was off. Most of the people in the palace had offered their condolences, said that they were there for them and so on. However, Victoria seemed to care too much, almost like she was obsessed. It made Wilfred suspicious. She was always around, constantly asked if she had woken up. Or was she truly just that concerned?

"You will not let us see her anymore?" Victoria said when Wilfred gave her no answer.

"No!" Wilfred replied. "As I said, she needs peace and quiet!"

"What about prayers from your friends?" Victoria got offended.

"You care awfully a lot for other children." Aldus said sarcastically. "That's not the sister I remember. Perhaps you should tend to your own for once?"

Victoria gave her brother the evil eye, then walked away.

"Women huh." Aldus said jokingly. "One word and off they go. That's why I never let them stick around."

Wilfred's temper grew short. "So, what is it you want?"

Aldus' face lit up with a smile. "I thought you would never ask." He said as he touched Wilfred's shoulder, showing with his other hand to walk. "I am here to offer you my services."

Wilfred laughed to the surprise. "I just saw how helpful you are towards your sister. What would you do for me?"

"It is not for her ears." Aldus continued. "As I see it... It is a bad business, the current situation... For everyone in the Empire... You see..."

"Where are you getting at?" Wilfred interrupted him.

"Yeah, Fredric breaks his promises. He hates my father, my father hates him. With you becoming Imperial Chancellor. He will hate you most of all."

What is your deal? Wilfred thought. Aldus was impossible to read, it seemed that he let all the past between them go. Do you bear no ill intent towards me? Wilfred couldn't believe it, Aldus must play some sort of game.

"Not much I can do about it." Wilfred said. "He can hate me as much as he likes!"

"And while he does, he might get ideas." Aldus replied. "Nobody would like that. You do not know what he is like. He never let a slight go unanswered. It can have earth-shattering consequences. Nobody would win."

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