Chapter 11: Dear Bullet.

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~Three Months Later~

Dear Bullet.

It's been three months since you're incident, that day still flashback in my head til this day. It took the ambulance an hour and a half to come get you, by then... you lost so much blood.

"EMERGENCY! WE NEED HIM INTO THE OR NOW!" Doctors and nurses were yelling as they pushed Bullet down the hall. "Come on Bullet, you have to pull through!" Krystle was running with the doctors, holding Bullet' s hand. "CLEAR!" They yelled, Bullet's chest rose then lowered. "Ma'm you can't enter here" One of the nurses told Krystle. "Will he be alright?!" "We don't know yet." She entered the room and left Krystle standing there.

You had gotten shot in the legs, left arm and one in the chest. No one knew of you would make it or not. But what I did know was that I wasn't leaving you, I promised you my loyalty and I knew that it was about to be put to the test.

You were in that room for five hours. Doctors said they almost lost you three times, so they kept trying to revive you.

"I called everyone else, they are on the way up here." Taylor told Abrielle "What the hell happened?!" Abrielle asked. "I don't know! I just heard gunshots and Krystle running outside. Krystle what happene- Krystle?" Taylor and Abrielle turned around.

I wondered back to your door, praying for you to like miraculously walk out that room perfectly fine and we could hug...

But you didn't.

"WHAT HAPPENED?! HOW DID THIS HAPPENED?!" Zay was now yelling at Taylor and Abrielle. They tried explaining to her that they don't know, that he was with Krystle all day. "Where is Krystle? " she asked "that's the thing, we don't know." Krystle's friends ran in "We saw Ray's status, is Bullet alright? Where's Krystle? Dee asked. "That's what we're trying to figure out." "We'll find her for sure" Kiki added, they went to searching.

The girls picked a different floor and different hallways to find Krystle.

The first to find me was Bria.

I was staring at the door, waiting to hear that you are alive and well. She came over and sat down right next to me and stared at the door too.

"What ever happened wasn't your fault." Krystle stared at her best friend with a confused expression, Bria started to explain that Krystle put too much blame on herself in situations sometimes when they clearly wasn't her fault.

"Oh, okay." Was all Krystle said before she turned my head back to the door.

"Krystle, do you love Bullet?"

"Of course I do, he's one of my closest friends." "Not like that" Bria shook her head and made Krystle face her.

"Are you inlove with Bullet?"

I was asked the most difficult question of my life that day. I didn't know what to say, I didn't have anything to say! Right now, I didn't know what to feel with everything going on, I just felt like now is not the right time for stuff like this.

Kiki found us soon after.

"There you are! Everyone is worried about you." Kiki texted Dee, and walked over to Krystle and Bria. Krystle looked back at the door "That's nice." Her tone was dead, emotionless. "He's in there?" Kiki asked sitting down on the other side of Krystle. She nodded.

"How are you holding up?"

Kiki didn't respond to it, she felt as if she started speaking, she was going to literally break down into tears. Krystle felt like she couldn't get a break, everyone she cares about ends up getting shot. "Krystle, Bullet is going to be fine Okay? Soon you two will be chilling with each other again, smoke a couple of blunts and do what you guys do best." Krystle smiled thinking about the times she and Bullet were hanging out.

Bullet {J.P}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora