chapter 5: They don't Know

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"Are you okay Krys?" Abrielle asked me as soon as I woke up. "Yeah, Im perfect! I could get up and walk out the hospital right now!" I said sarcastically. There was this awkward ass silence. "Really?" Abrielle asked. "No, i'm in horrible fucking pain what does it look like? I'm in a hospital after I got my ass beat by a big ass nigga. Does It Look Like I could walk my ass out of this bed?!" Bullet laughed.

Elle just gave me the stale face. "You walked right into that one" I said. Zay came up to the bed and looked at me. "you are one lucky girl. You survived a beating like, girl you strong!" "Yeah I put on suit of armor" I said jokingly. "Krys! Now what all happen with you and Alexander?" Elle asked serious. "Oh! So I'm walking home and shit, and I noticed this car following me. So I kept walking for a bit before I took off!!

Then the car started chasing me then I ran down this alley and tried to climb a fence. Tell me why this nigga Domian grabbed my book bag and slung me onto the ground! Im like 'What the Fuck!' And I looked up and saw a gun pointed in my direction. I thought it was the end for little old me. Then Alexander bitch ass walked up! He had the nerve to ask if I was 10! Little stupid bitch!-" "KRYSTLE!! Get to the point" Elle said. "Oh. All he really said that he was gonna kill us, and if Shane retaliates, I'm the one that has to suffer."

"But why you?" Elle asked. I shrugged.

"Its because you are Shane's youngest sister. You are his main priority. Messing with you, he knows he's gonna get a reaction out of Shane. He knows Abrielle can handle herself, and plus Taylor is her boyfriend. You, on the other hand have no boyfriend with in the group, therefore you have no protection so Alexander went after you. We all know Shane is about you, and so does Alexander. You are a pawn in this war, Alexander wants the King, and Thats Shane" Zay said. "Damn I fucking love your beautiful mind!" Bullet said.

I rolled my eyes. "So... What now?" Elle asked. "First things first... Call Shane and see where he is and what he is doing. We don't want a repeat of this" Zay suggested. "Bullet... Can I talk to you for a minute?" Abrielle asked. Bullet nodded and followed. Zay looked at me. I looked at her back.

"I saw that" She said.

"Saw what?" "You rolling your eyes when Princeton complemented me. No need to be Jealous Missy. I have a boyfriend, Remember?" "Blabby, Blabby, Blabby! I'll roll my eyes if I want to." I said. Zay was about to say something but Bullet and Abrielle walked back in. "Hey Girlfriend" Bullet said to me. Me and Zay looked confused. "Girlfriend? We're not together" I said. "Alexander doesn't know that. For now on Bullet is your 'Boyfriend' until Alexander ass is out the picture. Bullet will protect you and always be with you or near you in case Alexander or Domian try to attack" Elle said.

"Do we have to act like a couple?" I asked. "Yeah" Elle said in a duh tone. I glanced over to Zay and she looked alittle bewildered by everything.

----- (2 weeks later)-----

"Aye Babygirl!" Bullet called out to me as he leaned on his car. He was picking me up from school. Since I was wearing one of those boot cast on my left leg and my arm was wrapped up, I tried my best to run up and hug him. It was successful. Then he bent down and whispered "They are parked across the street. Stay close and act like you don't see them" "I know, they been here all day" I said. Bullet looked back at them and an eyebrow twitched. "Follow my lead" "Huh?" But before I knew it He kissed me. I kissed back then he grabbed my ass and pulled me closer.

I couldn't reach his neck and I only had one functioning arm so I wrapped that around his waist. Best I could do. without breaking the kiss, we got in the backseat and he was hovering over me, making out with me. He pulled away and looked out the window to see that They pulled off. "Thats enough of that, Time to smoke" He said. He got in the drivers seat and pulled out two fat ass blunts and lit up both of them up. "You ever smoked weed before?" I Shook my head no. He inhaled both of them at the same time before handing me one.

"Take a hit" I took one and smelled it. "The fuck. Are you doing?" He asked annoyed. "What is it?" "Its Loud and purp" I scrunched up my face and hit the blunt. I immediately started coughing. My throat burned. I was scared. "Somebody hit the blunt right... Hit it again" I looked at him like he was fucking crazy. "Don't be scared. Hit it a few more times" He said. Truth be told, I was already a little hazy from that first hit. But I grew balls and took more hits. Before I knew it. Shit got animated as fuck!

Everything was funny. I swore I saw a deer out the corner of my eye. I was a bit paranoid. And I Felt Great.

I. Was. High.

I was high as shit!! Soon Bullet pulled off. We were driving under the influence. Oh, shit. "Are you sure you can drive like this?" "Please, I always drive like this" "Well open a window, its hella smokey in here" "Open a window and I'll drop you off right here and make yo ass walk home" he said in a serious tone. I looked at him and laughed. He shook his head. I sat back and went into my own world. I was amazed by this feeling. I don't know how much time has passed but I wondered why are we still driving. We should've been at my house.

I looked at Bullet and He looked focused and it looked like he was watching something. "Bullet, what's going on?" "Your brother, where is he going?" I looked out the window and saw Shane walking. Bullet parked and got out the car and started following him. He kept enough distance and casually walked behind him.

Bullet's Pov.

Where the fuck is He going? He turned this alley and I stopped and leaned against the wall to listen. "Alright, I'm here. Now I want you to leave Krystle alone, she has nothing to do with this!" "Oh no Shane. She's too fun to just.. Stop messing with, but her mouth is just filthy. But I know what to do with her little mouth. Wrap it around my dick" I heard someone say. It was obviously Alexander. I clenched my jaw and fist hearing that. I heard someone fall to the ground and the sound of a gun being cocked.

Shane must've hit Alexander. I was about to step in.. But I didn't want to take chances, when he see me walk up.. He might kill Shane on the spot. "Wow Shane. Control your temper! You don't want to fuck up for your sister do you? We don't care if that gay ass afro boy is her boyfriend or not. We can kill him too!"

"Don't say anything"

"Don't say anything"

"Princeton don't you fucking say a goddamn word!!"

I kept saying that over and over again in my head. I continued to listen. "Abrielle will make a nice maid and Krystle will make a nice sex toy. I can just fuck her, and beat her. Who knows when I'm done with her, I can kill her" "Keep my sisters name out your fucking mouth!! And I swear if you touch them I will break your fucking neck" Shane said. I will too. "Oohh. I'm scared" "You know what, if you really wanted me dead, why not killed me now? I'm here, you have a gun, and I'm unarmed" "Naw, we ain't done yet" Alexander said. "Done with what?" Shane said.

"Just leave it at that. Oh and don't tell anyone about our little visit" I took that chance to run back to the car. "I'm hungry" Krystle said. "Okay lets go to McDonalds. I can't tell Krystle what I heard, she doesn't need no more of this bullshit.

Krystle's pov

We walked in the house and saw Shane abd Abrielle sitting there. "I Got Your Sister High!!!" Bullet yelled before I heard a door close and he was no longer behind me. Shane and Abrielle looked at me.

I'm screwed.

Bullet {J.P}Where stories live. Discover now