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people often say that if you want to be
then start being,
often the state of being beautiful specifically
most likely to appease someone's certain eyes
and yet i believe that that very statement
is just full of pretentious bullshit.
it all depends on the person really,
more likely on their intentions.
it is indeed very welcoming to feel beautiful,
that very thing shall make others believe that
you are beautiful indeed;
but do not fool yourself before you fool others,
this sentiment is most likely only done in
order to produce envy,
ah, not so welcoming now, love?
and yet,
there are souls that are celestial-like beings
sent straight from heaven above
and their intentions are indeed very welcoming
for they show the true colors of someone
truly being beautiful.
they fool you and with strings fooling others,
their sentiment is shown most likely only to
produce love and lust,
what do you think now, love?

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