~5~ Gourmet Hunters

Start from the beginning

"You must be hungry." Menchi looked up at Buhara smirking.

"Not just hungry, I'm famished." Buhara exclaimed while holding his stomach.

"Well, there you have it, the second phase... will be cooking!" Menchi put her arm out to everyone while smiling. People started muttering and complaining.

"What do you mean we're cooking?! We came here to take the hunters exam!" A man with shaved sides and longer blonde hair called out.

"That's right! The second phase of the exam will be preparing a meal, that'll satisfy our pallets!" Menchi said as she put her hand on her waist, Y/n looked away because she couldn't handle how pretty Menchi was.

"Why do we have to cook?" Some random person asked making Menchi laugh.

"Don't you know? It's simple really, its because we're gourmet hunters!" Menchi smiled and the man who was talking earlier laughed, everyone else started laughing as well.

"Talk about a let down!" The man laughed, Y/n looked over at him and sighed, something was bound to go wrong soon. "So, you're both gourmet hunters? And what exactly do you want us to make?"

Menchi frowned and crossed her arms. "Buhara." Buhara stood up and smiled.

"Today's required ingredient will be pork!" Buhara said making everyone question him. "Feel free to use any species of pig in Visca Forest, as you see you'll use these cooking facilities to prep your pork dishes! To pass the exam you must create a dish to satisfy our discriminating pallets!" Buhara explained to everyone.

"But we won't be evaluating taste alone, so take this seriously. Is that clear? When we've both eaten our food, this portion of the exam will be over." Menchi said with her arms still crossed, Y/n was basically drooling over Menchi at the moment, she was so pretty, gorgeous, hot, magnificent, everything. Y/n dazed off, staring at Menchi like the way a school girl would swoon over her crush. Y/n only snapped out of it when she felt someone put there hand on her shoulder, Y/n quickly spun around to see who it was and she saw Kurapika smiling awkwardly.

"Let's go..." Kurapika pulled Y/n with him out of the area and she reluctantly followed.

Y/n walked with Kurapika, Leorio, Gon and Killua, trying to find a pig that they could cook to satisfy Menchi and Buhara.

"Gotta catch a pig and cook it, huh? Man, this is way easier than the first phase!" Leorio said laughing a small bit.

"I just hope it's that simple." Kurapika said as he looked around. Y/n shook her head slightly.

"No... I don't think it will. This exam is supposed to be extremely hard so I doubt that it's only going to be "catch a pig and get the examiners to eat it." That's too easy..." Y/n explained but before she could say anymore she tripped and started sliding down a slope.

"Y/n!" All four of the boys called out then Gon slid down followed by Killua, then Leorio, then Kurapika. They saw Y/n rubbing her head with grass all over her.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Kurapika questioned which got Y/n to put her hand up and stick up her thumb.

"Look over there." Gon pointed over to his right and everyone looked and there they were, the pigs, though... they were a lot bigger then they expected and they were eating... bones.

"Don't tell me... they're carnivores?" Kurapika said and the pigs looked up at all of them, one of the pigs made a loud noise and the five of the quickly jumped up and started running, the pigs quickly chased after them.

~I am her protector~ Hisoka x readerWhere stories live. Discover now