~1~ New friends

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Y/n quickly ran down the path to the boat dock, she was about to miss the boat that would take her to the Hunter exam. As she turned a corner she saw the boat heading away from the dock.

'Oh no! Maybe I can make it if I jump?!' Y/n sped up and then jumped onto the boat, holding onto the side. She started slipping, she was too weak to pull herself up onto the boat, it made her wonder if she would even have a chance at actually passing the Hunter exam. Just as she was about to fall into the water she was grabbed and pulled up onto the boat, both the person and herself fell onto the ships deck.

"Are you okay?" The person who helped her questioned. Y/n looked up at the person and took in their features. They had nice short blonde hair, greyish brown eyes and they wore a blue dress kind of thing with white clothes underneath.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine, thank you for saving me, uh..."

"Kurapika. My names Kurapika, and you are?" Kurapika smiled lightly at y/n and she blushed slightly.

"O-oh! I'm y/n l/n! It's nice to meet you, Kurapika!" Y/n smiled and started to stand up.

"And it's nice to meet you too, Y/n." Y/n put her hand out for Kurapika so she could help him up, just as he stood up Y/n got knocked into and she was pushed into Kurapika.

"I'm sorry!" Y/n looked over at the person who knocked into her and it was a boy with spiky dark green hair, brown eyes and a green outfit.

"A-ah no, it's fine! Why were you in such a rush though?" Y/n asked and Kurapika nodded as to show he was interested too.

"Oh, there's a storm coming! I need to tell everyone!" Y/n slightly froze up when she heard that there was a storm. Y/n was terrified of storms, ever since she was little. Kurapika noticed her frozen and tense form.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Kurapika put a hand on her shoulder and she snapped out of it, looking at him, Kurapika blushed slightly as he noticed how pretty she was.

"Ah... yeah I'm fine... just a bit scared of storms, that's all..." Y/n smiled slightly but Kurapika knew it was a bit forced.

"Let's go inside then, so we aren't stuck out in the storm." Y/n nodded and walked in with Kurapika, they eventually found a place to sit and talk.

After a while the ship started rocking around, showing that the storm was there. Y/n was freaking out but tried not to show it, Kurapika knew she was trying to keep a brave face as he looked at her, as Kurapika was about to talk the ship shook harshly and everyone was suddenly tumbling around. Y/n quickly grabbed hold of Kurapika for a some kind of security. The ship shook for at least half an hour and in that time Y/n ended up crying into Kurapika's chest, mumbling "we're gonna die." Over and over again. Kurapika tried to calm her down but it was no use so he just hugged her and pet her head.

Soon the rocking stopped and Y/n collected herself, the storm was still there but it wasn't as bad and the waves weren't as horrible. Kurapika smiled lightly as he saw her calm down, she was away from his chest so he lost her body heat but he didn't want to ask her to go back because... well that would be awkward. They ended up both laying on a hammock, Y/n resting her head on Kurapika's shoulder as they read a book. Y/n was kind of taken aback when she saw that Kurapika was reading a romantic novel but chose not to say anything.

An older looking man behind them was just being loud and making it hard for Y/n to focus on the book with Kurapika. All three of them, Kurapika, Y/n and the man behind them heard people talking and looked over, it was that green haired boy from before, Y/n smiled as she saw he was trying to help a man that got sick from the storm moving the ship around. Just then they all heard the captain of the ship call out for them to follow him and they all complied, Y/n was very eager to see what he wanted. They then walked into the front of the ship.

~I am her protector~ Hisoka x readerWhere stories live. Discover now