I'm in love with Harry Potter.

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The next day was absolute hell. Everyone in the house was hungover. not a single one of us was sober last night. I woke up late with a pounding headache. after getting dressed and putting on some makeup to make me look alive, I headed downstairs. Every last person in the room looked dead. I felt like I walked into the zombie apocalypse. "morning Jinora" said Hermione behind me. "Hey, how are yo-" I turned to face her and stopped. She looked horrible. her whole face was green and her eyes had large dark circles under them. "Holy shit," I said. I instantly regretted being so forward, but she just laughed. "I know, I know. I'm staying here for today don't worry. you guys can probably pass but if I attend classes today they'll defiantly know what happened last night." I nodded. at least she knew so none of us would have to tell her. "Just promise you'll tell me everything we have for homework and reading," said Hermione. "Of course I will," I said. 

i scanned the room for Harry. I couldn't see him. everyone was leaving to head to class. shit, I still can't see him. just then Neville walked down from the boy's dorm. "Oh thank god Jinora you're here. Harry is upstairs and somethings wrong. I have an exam so I have to go but please talk to him." and then he rushed out the door. before going I ran to the girl's dorm to check on Hermione. "You're...you're still here?" she asked rolling over in her bed to face me. "Um....yeah just checking on you before I leave," I said. "I'm fine. just need more sleep. now go or you'll be late." before I could even answer she was back to snoring. I took that as my queue to leave. great, she'll be asleep so I can talk to Harry with no distractions. I left quietly and ran up the stairs to the boy's room.

I walked in to find harry sitting on the floor by the window. this time he was looking out at the rain facing away from me. "Neville I said go to class. ill be fine stop worrying." I let out a small laugh. "uh- Jinora! hey. sorry, I thought you were Neville." 

"so I heard. he's the one who tipped me off that you were here. care to talk?"

"Only to you"

I sat down next to him. he instantly put his arm around me.

"tell me what's going on Harry. are you having more nightmares?"

"Yeah, I am. they're getting overwhelming. At first, they were just short dreams of you-know-who. but now they're long and lucid. its dreams about my parents. that day..." a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Hey, it's okay. tell me everything. let it out."

"It's the same story every time. the night my parents died. it's like... it's like I'm there and I scream and shout but I can't...I can't save them Jinora." he sobbed. like the other night, I pulled him close into an embrace.

"Harry, listen to me. they're only dreams. there's nothing you could have done anyways. please know it wasn't your fault. your parents loved you. they gave their life for you. do you think they'd want you to spend yours missing them?"

I knew my words were what he needed to hear, whether he liked it or not.

"I have an idea," I said, getting up. "follow me."

Harry followed me out of the common room and through the halls. I led him around the castle and up a bell tower. "god could they have made more stairs?" Harry asked with a laugh. once we reached the top the sudden sunlight made me squint. "oh wow" I said. from the tower, we had a perfect view of the great lake. the sunlight reflected on the waters and made it sparkle. it was gorgeous.

we stood next to each other, just breathing in the fresh air and admiring the view. "this is what I needed Jinora. Thank you." I looked at him. he defiantly looked better. the fresh air was good for him. as he looked out on the water, his side profile looked perfect. but that wasn't all I liked about him. he's kind and gentle. he's loving. he has, and he's strong but he has a soft spot for me. that's when I realized.

I'm in love with Harry Potter.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked. I just smiled. "what keeping secrets now?" he asked, leaning in. "I like to keep it mysterious," I said. he smirked again. god, that look will be the death of me. our lips met for only a second before he pulled away. "Jinora, I need to ask you something." oh lord.

 "yeah of course what is it?"

"ill get to the point I've never felt like this with anyone ever before. you bring out sides of me I didn't even know existed. you make me happier than I've ever been and I don't really have word to explain but to put it simply, you make me feel whole."

all I could do was stare. his words played on repeat in my mind. I smiled at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"of course I will dummy," I said. I leaned in again and kissed him hard. I fought (and won) for dominance this time. we kept going for a couple of minutes before the bell behind us rang and shook the whole tower, signaling the end of class time. "we better get back babe" I said and then winked at him. he laughed. "I could get used to that." 

we ran down the halls and disappeared into the sea of students heading to the common rooms. once we got back, everyone seemed much more alive and cheery than this morning. we were all feeling much better. Harry got distracted by Ron and I took the opportunity to go check on Hermione. She was now sitting on her bed reading. she looked much better. "You look great Hermione. guess the sleep helped." "you're a fine one to talk about looking well, Jinora you're practically glowing. what the hell happened. don't tell me Snape screamed like a girl again and I missed it!"

I proceeded to tell her everything that happened between me and Harry. (I conveniently left out last's nights details) after I finished she said, "well I'm happy for you, but I cannot believe you didn't get me my homework. other than that ill admit I'm a bit jealous. I can't seem to get that dumbass Ron to ask me out already. I know he likes me but he's shy."

we talked about the boys for almost an hour before the twins called our names. we went downstairs to find that Ron and Ginny were playing wizard chess and everyone was taking bets.

we spent the rest of the night cheering and talking over the fire.

~end ch.6~

The Boy with the Scar  ~  Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now