Chapter 6 - "He was burning into my soul"

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Oh Monday how I love you so, wrecking that lovely weekend of mine. Although, it was a little less lovely and a little more bizarre. Memories of Saturday night keep flooding back, but I try to push them aside; it's a night i'd much rather forget. No matter how hard I try, two pictures continuously run somersaults in my mind: Lily in that hospital bed and, even thought I hate to admit it, Blaine's face when I hugged him. Oh yes, that old chestnut. I know what you're thinking, 'isn't this what you wanted, wasn't this part of your plan' well, yes and no. Did I want Blaine to start noticing me and dart his attention away from his friends? Yes. Did I expect him to come running, with his best friend, to comfort me when I needed it most? Hell no. And so soon? Ha, definitely not!

This is wrong. What I am doing is wrong. It doesn't matter how small it is, under that overbearing bad-boy persona, Blaine has a heart, they all do. I thought I could just go in there, ruin the guys life, then walk straight back out again as if nothing had happened? Who am I kidding, I may as well just quite while i'm ahead. I, Luna May, am giving up... Wonders never cease. I will simply avoid Blaine and the fantastic foursome like the plague, Lily won't be too happy to hear about this, but hey she'll have to deal with it, i'll tell her after school.

Did I mention that Lily's mum refused to send her into school after what happened Saturday? So here I am, sitting alone in my history class, actually doing work. It must have been about half way through the lesson when another teacher came in, carrying a note and handing it to sir. I didn't think anything of it, until...

"Luna, go to the principles office now. Take your stuff, it doesn't say how long you'll be." What have I done now? After receiving all the usual 'oooohs' from the other students, as is the norm when someone gets in trouble, I stepped out of the room into the empty corridor. The principles office was pretty much the other side of the school, so I had to walk through three blocks to get there; giving me a decent amount of time to figure out why i'm going there in the first place. I haven't stepped one foot out of line since i've been back, how could I have, its still Monday morning!

Before I knew it, the large wooden door with the sign 'Head Teacher - Mr Lincoln' stood before me. I knocked twice, believe it or not I can be polite sometimes, and waited for him to call me in. Within seconds the door opened, Mr Lincoln standing the other side of the door, with a look on his face that I couldn't quite decipher.

"Come in Luna, take a seat." I followed his instruction, sitting in one of the two chairs facing his desk.

"Sir, I hope you don't mind me asking, but why am I here?" He walked to his desk, leaning on the side of it, facing me.

"One moment Luna, we're waiting for someone else." Huh?

"We are? But who wou-" The sound of someone knocking on the door interrupted me, causing both of our heads to turn to face it. I watched in anticipation as Mr Lincoln strode towards the door. He opened it confidently, blocking my view of who was the on the other side.

"Great timing, come on in and take a seat." I was staring at the floor, kind of nervous to see who we had been waiting for.

I saw his feet first as he made his way in, but then stopped abruptly. My eyes slowly grazed up his body, taking in the fitted navy suit he was wearing. It looked really good on him *sigh*, accentuating the broadness of his shoulders. Then my gaze arrived at his face. Oh no. His hair looked irritatingly pristine as usual; messy looking, undone, but it suited him. Then I dared to look him in the eyes, which I probably shouldn't have done, as I was greeted with the most confused wide eyed look I think i'd ever seen. He was just standing there staring at me, the same way I was just sitting there staring back at him. It was as if time had stood still, but I am making this sound a lot more dramatic then it probably was. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding as sir brought us back to reality.

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