Chapter 7 - "The tables have turned"

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Boys. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Why is it that when you think you have found the devil, you have actually found an angel? It's rather trivial if you think about it; the ones we spend so long trying to stay away from are actually the ones we should have turned towards from the first moment. Its funny how we work like that, isn't it? I guess it shows how stupid as a race we really are, and how good we are at lying to ourselves.

"Luna, put that away, I know that's not your work book." Sir called from his desk, how he even noticed me writing in my notebook whilst the rest of the class are acting like animals is beyond me. Enduring history three days a week was painful, but having Lily back made it much better. She'd finally been allowed back to school, much to my delight.

Just as I was turning to Lily, somone new walked through the door, carrying numerous books that threatened to fall out of her arms. I seemed to recall seeing her somewhere else, but from where I just couldn't remember, maybe I had just seen her around the neighbourhood. She was clearly a new student, you could sense that from a mile away; the cluelessness plastered all over her face was quite comical. She started towards sirs desk where he was sat, receiving glances from the majority of the class as she went.

I tried to eavesdrop and listen to what they were saying, but with the noise from the other students, it was pretty much impossible. Sir glanced over at Lily and I then, pointing towards our table. It was then that I realised that the seat next to mine was the only free one in the entire class. So guess who has to sit next to the new kid?

Lily and I shared a brief glance whilst the girl was making her way towards us. Thankfully, she didn't look like a complete mental case (there's enough of those at this school already) so that was a good start. Our eyes locked and she gave me a brief smile before looking at the floor, until eventually reaching our desk.

"Hey, um, do you mind if I sit here?" Her awkwardness was intense, but at least she was polite, that's more than I can say for most people.

"Yes, I do mind actually." I said in my sarcastic tone, but I showed a smile.

She laughed a little at this, and sat in the chair.

"Well sorry, because I'm sitting here." Lily turned to me rolling her eyes and laughing, that was unexpected. This girl has passed the sarcasm test, I like her already.

"Hi," Lily butted in, "I'm Lily, this is Luna, and welcome to hell."

The girl laughed at this response, making her brown hair fall around her face.



History actually went surprisingly well today, turns out Summer is actually really cool and not a complete mental person. After the initial awkwardness, she came out of her shell pretty quick and spoke to us as if we'd known her for forever. She's quickly found herself in our group, since she appears to be one of those rare people that like the same music we do, wear the same clothes we do, and have the same humour as we do. She's basically another one of us, which let's be honest, can only be a good thing.

During lesson she mentioned that she was having a movie night with her boyfriend and his friends tonight, and insisted that we go since we were the first decent people she had met at this school. I knew part of the reason why she invited us was so she didn't have to be the only girl in a house full of guys, so Lily and I decided to be nice and agree to go, plus I was nosy by nature and wanted to meet this boyfriend of hers. She had refused to tell us anything about him or his friends, no names, nothing, not even what school they went to.


"Are you sure this looks okay?" Lily asked, regarding her outfit.

"Lil, we are going to Summers house for a movie night, not New York for Fashion Week, you look fine." We'd both thrown on a pair of jeans and simple shirts since we don't really need to be dressing up for anyone. "Now go knock on the door."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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