Chapter 3 - "I'm not the only f*cked up psycho here"

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"I still cant believe you slapped him, the look on his face was priceless!" Lily wouldn't shut up about the events of the previous day. She called me up as soon as she left school that day, since I had been out on exclusion I hadn't seen her, so you can imagine what she was like. The very much one sided conversation went a lot like 'how the hell did you do that?', 'you are so badass', 'you are the best', I didn't get a word in edge ways, but you get the picture. To say Lily was thankful for what I had done was an understatement; you'd think she'd arrive with an award for me at any moment.

Now we were sitting in my bedroom, she'd come over to see me since I wouldn't be in school for the rest of the week, so I could be filled in on all the gossip. Although as per usual the only gossip going around was about Blaine, but the difference this time was the fact that I was the cause of it! I must say being the talk of the school isn't exactly enthralling, but hey it has its upsides. I am for the moment known as Luna, the girl that stood up to the fantastic foursome, not Luna the girl with the DM's and piercings (not that I had a problem with that, I'm proud to be that person) but you know what I mean.

As for how the exclusion is going, I'm having the time of my life, and to think they call this punishment! Since the 'incident' happened Monday, I get four days off of school, sweet!

"So, anything else happen?"

"Well, erm yeah you could say that." Lily implied trying to hide a smirk.

"Lily?" Gosh what now?

"Mitch and Blaine, they-" she started but I swiftly interrupted her.

"What the hell have they done now?" My voice had risen rather a lot in volume by now.

"No, no, it's nothing like what your thinking." I raised an eyebrows at her but she carried on. "They, um, they invited us to Mitch's party this weekend."


I just stared at her with the most gormless look on my face. She continued, since it was obvious that I had been stunned into silence.

"They came over today, I thought they were gonna take the piss again or something, you know what they are like, and after yesterday, well you can't blame me for expecting the worst. I don't know what happened when you hit Blaine, but you must have slapped some sense into that boy, because he actually apologized to me. Then he said he hoped to see us at the party." She had hopeful eyes and did I see a hint of... excitement?

"I'm sorry, you what? You have got to be kidding me..." The fact that I could even form a coherent sentence right now was an achievement, to say I was surprised by what she had said wasn't the half of it.

"I'm afraid not Lu Lu, we've got a party to go to this weekend!" She looked like a kid in a sweet shop with her big grin and huge eyes that wouldn't stop staring at me.

"Are you the actual definition of insane, or are you just stupid?"

"Look I know what your thinking, but-"

"No Lily, you obviously don't know what I'm thinking. You seriously believe we are even going to think about going to that pricks party? Do you not remember what they did to you only a matter of hours ago? And what I did to Blaine? We are not voluntarily going anywhere near them, let alone going to Mitch's house! Do you want more people to have a red hand-shaped mark imprinted on their face, because I can promise you, that is what will end up happening!" I was standing in front of her now shouting in her face, but she just took it, I think she must be used to my moods by now after being stuck as my best-friend for five years.

"I was hoping you wouldn't react like this. They've apologized and had the courtesy to ask us to the party, what more do you want?" She huffed dropping herself onto my bed. I stayed where I was with my arms folded, continuing to gaze at her as if she was a mad-man. "Luna, how often can you say that the you got the privilege to attend a party held by the most popular guys in school? There is no way that we aren't going, if I can't convince you, I will physically drag you if it comes to that." Lets face it, there's not much chance of that is there, she's tiny compared to me.

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