Crowds had formed outside Westminster and Kathy and Marie stood on the balcony with Stafford, Henry, Catherine, and Charlie.

"My loyal subjects, I leave you now in the care and protection of your beloved queen and princess, the most loyal, faithful, and prudent of women," Henry explained in a loud tone, "I make my sister now, in my absence, captain of the forces, and she and your beloved queen, co-regents of England."

The crowds cheered and Charlie turned as he clapped, beginning to smile at Kathy. "You saw this day coming from a mile away, I'm sure of it."

"Perhaps," Kathy replied and shrugged her shoulders.

"I humbly thank Your Grace," Catherine told her husband before turning to address the crowd, " I swear I shall fulfill your trust in me...for your sake and for the sake of my unborn son, the future king."

The crowd cheered once more and Kathy smiled, beginning to clap as well.

Marie clapped for a bit longer before turning to Edward. She grabbed his hand and held it. "Return to me soon," She told him, smiling as she cupped her face in his hands and kissed him.

"I will. I promise," He assured her and they kissed once more.

Hearing a loud scoff, they turned to see that it had been Charlie. "You guys have no shame," He commented and Marie smiled as she walked over to him.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned closer to him. "You're just jealous you can't kiss the woman you love goodbye before you leave, aren't you?" She commented and turned to gesture toward Kathy.

Charlie rolled his eyes and gave Marie an annoyed look. Edward laughed in amusement, knowing well enough to know Marie was right.

She leaned forward and kissed Charlie on the cheek, playfully slapping him on the behind before she walked back over to Stafford. "Both of you, kill some Frenchmen, would you?" She commented before turning to glance at Charlie, "And perhaps if Henry knights you at the end of it, you might just catch her eye again."

"You idiots speak about me as though I am not right here," Kathy complained as she let out an annoyed groan.

"Speaking of what?" Henry asked, a clueless look on his face as he walked over to them.

"Nothing," Charlie and Kathy immediately replied in unison, earning a weird look from Henry while Edward and Marie laughed in amusement.

"Well, then, let's go. Leave the women to the gossiping. We have a war against France to win," Henry complained and as he began to walk away, Charlie and Edward shared an annoyed look.

Charlie immediately followed after Henry while Edward quickly kissed Marie one last time before following after Henry as well.

"Do you still love him?" Marie suddenly asked Kathy with a curious look on her face, "Because he loves you more than you could ever know."

"You don't think I know that?" Kathy snapped at Marie in a low growl, "I wish I could have a happy life with him, but it will never work. Henry and I always seem to be at each other's side now. I never have time for myself. And if I began to attempt to have time for myself to be with Charlie, Henry would surely notice. It could never work between us. Not as it used to."

Kathy sighed, shaking her head at Marie before she walked away.


At Westminster Palace, Mary was standing on a platform as Ursula, Bessie, Anne, and Mary Boleyn attended to her and helped her with her new dress.

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