| 2 | Heated Reunion

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The world is spinning. Or maybe Arthur is on a boat. He doesn't remember being near no boat though. The dull ache laying on his skull and the pounding of his own blood running through his ears didn't help him as he tries to remember what he had done the previous night. Or to where the hell he is currently laying. All he knows is that he is floating in a thunderstorm and something most definitely smells like shit.

"Arthur!" Lenny calls to him as he notices the man groaning awake.

"Shut up." Arthur grumbles as his hand comes to his head, rubbing at his temples as the sun light bleeds in through the bars on the far wall.

The younger man had woken not too long before Arthur had started to regain consciousness. He had already emptied part of the contents of whatever he drank the night before into the piss bucket in his own cell. The stench began to turn Arthur's stomach when it drifted towards him.

"What'd we do?" Arthur spoke with a gruff as he began to sit up. The world moving a little too quick for him, causing him to lay back down again.

"I don't know." Lenny groans as his hand comes to his stomach again, feeling the twist in his gut of impending doom. "Although, when I woke up there was a woman here. Least I think it was a woman."

"Ain't no time to be ogling women, Lenny." Arthur scolds as he finally sits up, slightly regretting so when the door to the sheriff's office swings open and brings with it even more bright light.

"Ah, you're awake." The Sheriff speaks as he walks over to the cells of the pair.

"Look mister, we didn't start anything." Arthur groans as he rubs at his eyes again.

"Yes you did."

"Ah, I don't remember." Arthur grumbles, standing to his feet as he tried to shake off the morning fatigue following the night he had.

"You're just lucky that you have a pretty woman at your side." The Sheriff tutted as he began to unlock the cells. Arthur raised his eyebrow at the man as he swung open the cell door.

"That we do." Arthur decided to play it off, he would ask around camp which of the women came to their aid. Maybe Lenny had seen Karen or Mary-beth come in earlier.

"Don't want to see you pair in here again, you hear?" The Sheriff scolded the pair as they made their way out of the building.

The air hit Arthur and Lenny. Arthur coughed and felt his stomach tighten and twist but held back the urge to throw up. Lenny wasn't so lucky as he rushed forwards and emptied his stomach onto the mud of the main street of Valentine. Arthur looks the other way, not wanting to follow suit in presenting his insides to the town.

"So that was a quiet drink?" Lenny groans, leaning against one of the beams outside the sheriff's office.

"The first one was pretty quiet." Arthur chuckles, cheering the younger man up as he made a move towards his horse. "You head back to camp. I'm going to sit here and feel sorry for myself."

"I'll ask which one of the ladies got us out of trouble." Then Lenny rode off as Arthur crashed onto the ground. Heaving and sighing as he tried to get the world to stop moving for just a moment. Arthur sat there for a few minutes, regaining a normal sense of gravity and a clearer head than he woke with.

Snippets of what he had done were slowly coming back to him. Lenny had come barrelling into camp on his horse, out of breath and shouting about Micah getting arrested. Dutch wants him to go get him from Strawberry – another thing to add to the piling list he has been made to do as of late.

He took Lenny to the saloon to try and calm the poor kid down. One quiet drink he'd said. Hell even Dutch warned him to keep it quiet. But one led to two and then three. He had blacked out most the night. Snippets of Lenny and himself hitting each, dancing with the locals, Lenny asking why he ain't been married. That seemed to spread a hole in his heart. Thinking about Mary. Thinking about Camille.

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