| 4 | An Afternoon Away

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Arthur had never wanted to strangle Micah as much as he does now. After blowing a hole in the jail wall, the damned fool went and shot up half of Strawberry over two guns that could easily have been replaced. So not only were they all wanted for the massacre in Blackwater but now Micah had gone and added Strawberry to the list of charges against them. All the blonde idiot could do for the gang was bring more law down onto them and Arthur was getting sick of him. The fool had gone off on his own in hopes of finding something that will get 'Dutch's forgiveness'.

He half hopes he gets mauled by a mountain lion.

After returning to camp, Arthur had all but collapsed on his cot. Exhaustion ate away at his body from the past few days. When Dutch came to find him, all he found was a passed out Arthur with his arm over his eyes. Dutch decided it best to let the poor man rest.

The day that followed, Arthur was woken up by Hosea and coffee.

"Mornin' to ya," Arthur grumbles as he takes the offered beverage. He blows on it before cautiously taking a sip.

"Been meaning to ask you 'bout that letter of yours," Hosea begins, scratching at his chin.

"Thought you were past reading my mail ol' man," Arthur chuckled as he stands and rolls out his shoulders.

"I thought you were past that woman, guess old habits die hard." Hosea pokes at his eldest son. Arthur rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"It weren't like that." Arthur denies and it wasn't. Mary had expected help once again from the once love struck fool but he wasn't going to be at her beck and call again.

"Her brother got himself in trouble, told her he was a big boy and moved on." Arthur summarises and drinks more of his coffee. The bitter flavour filled his mouth before the small burn slid down his throat when he swallowed.

"It's a shame really, realising what we've lost." Arthur turns to Hosea as the old man spoke. Hosea was looking out towards the sun rising. The land woke with the warmth it brought and the sky filled with its light.

"I'm sure they're in a better place than us." Arthur mutters over the rim of his steel cup.

Hosea smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. It's soft and remorseful. Arthur had seen the smile far too often as of late and made him worry for the old man.

"Uncle Arthur!" Jack's sweet voice calls out. Arthur turns to see the young boy running to him and was just in time to bend and pick him up as he jumped at him.

"Ah, you're looking much better." Arthur smiles as he ruffles up Jack's dirty blonde hair. The young boy giggles and wiggles in Arthur's hold. Arthur had been worried for Jack in the mountains, the poor boy had gotten sick and Abigail did nothing but fret over him and his half wit of a father. Arthur had found a book in one of the old cabins in their mountain camp, it wasn't in perfect condition but you could still see the pictures and words. Abigail had told him that it had become Jack's favourite to read.

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