Final Atempt

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"I see it might be going well," The Guardian stated helping me get out of my thoughts from before.

"What are you doing here?" I ask holding my head in pain. I got out of the machine and he stepped back.

"A lot of everything was coming out of this machine. Illusion Steve- or should I say Reality Steve wanted me to check it out." Just like last time. I guess he isn't here to help... wait did he just say, Reality Steve?

"Reality? Who is that?" I ask confused. I look to my side to see the Overseer still in the machine. Did he let me out first? Odd... last time he got the Overseer out first.

"Reality Steve, he was Illusion Steve, but has since absorbed Galaxy Steve to become Reality." I felt my heart drop to my stomach. He's gone... No, he can't be. Can he?

"He can't! Galaxy was the one who created him!" I said angrily. The Guardian steps back and Lighting strikes in front of me. I jump back hitting my head against the machine the pain in my head worse than last time. Suddenly a strong pain went in my eyes. I put a hand slightly over my eyes and forehead trying to stop the pain. Did I hit my head that hard?

"Yes, I am Sabre." I saw a new voice said. I turned to see a new Steve. He sounded like Illusion but was different. Same clothing as before, but instead of the light blue and purple themed clothes it was a bright pink and dark purple themed color. Realty Steve... Illusion did absorb him.

"No.... not Galaxy..." I leaned against the machines for balance. Why does this hurt so much this time? I can't focus on the pain right now. I just lost my friend... and he really has bad luck when it comes to getting absorbed.

"Yes, I need his power to fully change the universe. To make this world permanent when you fail." I got up to him. "Just as my name is... this place will now become a Reality."

"I'm not going to fail!" I take out a sword. I then see the Overseer come out of the machine in the corner of my eye. The Guardian let him out.

"Yes, you are. How far have you even gotten?" He mocks thinking I haven't gotten anywhere at all. I smirk.

"If the Guardian didn't let me out of the machine I would have gotten the sickness out of the Overseer," I said honestly. I could see how he was trying to hide how angered he was by that. My smile grows bigger. If I act it off like everything is fine then he might lower his guard.

"Then prove it. Get it out of the Overseer right now." Trying to make a comeback to what I said. I should have been more prepared for it. I continued my bluff that I hoped would be the truth.

"I will." I go back into the machine. The pain in my head wasn't gone, but I was getting more used to it, thankfully the pain in my eyes was gone too. I don't know why it hurt. Maybe I got something stuck in my eyes.

"Sorry Overseer, you need to go back into the machine." I heard the Guardian say to the Overseer.

"I don't mind. I will do what's needed for the Steves, right now it's to cure the sickness." He says and I smile a little. He goes back into the machine. He was locked in again.

"This is your last try, Sabre." Reality Steve said to me.

"What do you mean? We have one more day!" I yelled at him in shock.

"Not anymore." I sigh, knowing I can't fight it. I look at him to see he is holding something in his hand. "If you are so sure that you can do it, you don't need more time. I ignored what he said more curious about what he was holding.

"What are you holding?" I ask, trying to see what it is. He showed me what it was without saying a word. It was my necklace. I put a hand on my neck to feel the string was gone. "Give that-" He turned on the machine and I was locked in and forced to close my eyes. Once this works I am getting back my necklace... I hope.

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