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Demon Steve

The little non-Steve scurried away in fear, almost like a small cat. Maybe that's what it is? I'm never quite sure what those things are. I have been explained they are human, but what exactly is a human? They can talk and learn like us but don't have abilities of their own. If anyone they should be seen as a companion. A special pet that can talk to us.

"Did you get them?!" A voice called out to me. I turned and looked to see the well-known Void Steve.

"I saw them, but I let them go. They are weak and should suffer with the others." My voice remarked in his head. He sighs.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea, every time they leave they seem to come back stronger. You should have killed-"

"Are you questioning my abilities Void?" I cut him off with a booming voice. He shakes his head.

"No, why are you here then?" He asks. I only recently just arrived. I need to talk to all of them.

"I am here to call a meeting, do you think you can gather everyone in the meeting room?" I asked him. He nods and floats away. I made my way to the meeting room on this average base they have. Void didn't immediately follow me as he searched for the others. I went into the room and found myself alone. I sat down in a chair and patiently waited. One by one all the familiar faces entered the room bowing to me as they did. It's always funny to watch Origin bow to me. Void entered the last showing he got everyone and sat down.

"I can see progress has been well," I stated to all of them. They look at me and Negative speaks up first.

"It has been, we have Galaxy, Alex, Rainbow, Time, and Overseer locked up just as you asked." Negative stated.

"Good, and it seems the rest has escaped? Do not worry about this, their fate will be death no matter where they go." I reminded everyone to stay calm about the situation at hand.

"So it's time then? To watch the world burn as we all take ownership of the lands around us." Nightmare grins. He will be getting the largest plot of land the overworld can offer. He has done well and is one of the few good ones here. Even if his weakness is his creations.

"Yes and no, I was about to start the ritual tonight like I had planned, but found something wrong, the light energy. I don't have enough of it to get what we all desire." I explained.

"What do you mean? You have all the light spirits' energy." Origin stands. The most rebellious one of the group. He has never had to be below someone before.

"I believe there is another light spirit. One of my recent creations. We need to find him."  I could sense it, there is one more out there. I can't directly feel who it is though. It's blurred behind a mix of magic I have never sensed before.

"So I guess we need to hold off on the plan?" Dark asked me.

"Yes and no, I can't take over the Spirit world, but I can begin the process of burning the Overworld. From there we should be able to find the last light spirit." This is nothing but a small delay in the plan. An easy fix.

"Alright then, we will search every Steve until we find him." Postive cheered a bit, he seemed excited. In a strange way.

"Exactly, rather than that we will continue the plan. Does anyone have any questions?" I looked over everyone's faces. Shadow seemed to have a question. I looked at him.

"What about the ones we have here? You said for us to take them, but for what?" He asked. I nodded.

"Good question. They will be helpful in the future. Void you may take Galaxy as you please. Alex could be used for her energy and her unique Fire abilities. Overseer will help the steves transition into the new leadership. Same with Rainbow Steve. Time's powers overall will also be useful. Elemental's aren't on the other hand." I gestured to Void when I spoke of his other half.

My Inner Code (Rewrite)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora